⛪ ✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Good Time, Bad Time and The Holy Time [Hebrews 12:6]✝️⛪

Special Notes :- God is the Creator of Time. Good Time is the cause of the happiness of People and Difficult Bad Time is the cause of the Sorrows of People. Father God loves every persons. Those Persons, who pray to God, They are in the God's Grace, They will able to stand firm during the Difficult Time and Father God saves them from the Difficult Time. God's Grace is the Saviour. God's Grace is the creator of Good Time. 
Father God is the Controller of Time and He allows Difficult Time for entering in the Life of the Holy Virtuous Persons Because Father God takes the test of his people and He rescues his people from the Difficult Bad Time. Human Nature does errors So There is mortalness in the earthly life of the Human Nature and Mortalness is the cause of the Difficult Bad Time, Difficult Bad Time is the cause of the Untiming Death of the Person. 
For destroying the Evil Persons, Father God creates the Difficult Time for evil persons through Various Plagues. In Old Testament, Father God loved Jews and Father God chastised Jews for their errors too Because Father God loved the holy virtuous actions of the Jews and Father God hated the evil actions of Jews. In Old Testament, When Jews broke the laws of God Then Father God scourged them through the difficult time of Plagues. Father God loves the discipline of the Holy Words. Father God loves the discipline of the Holy Virtuous Actions. 
Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ himself was the Controller of Time, He healed the Persons by his words and Brought Good Time in the Life of Persons, He controlled the Sea Shore by his words, He Controlled the Water and Converted Water into Wine by his words. 5 Elements of Human Bodies obeyed the Holy Words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ So Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was able to heal the persons. Evil Souls obeyed the Holy Words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and By His Holy Words, Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ casted out Evil Souls from Human Bodies. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ controlled the Human Souls and He raised Lazarus from Dead. 
Satan is the enemy of the Holy Virtuous Person. Satan is the enemy of the God. Satan hacked the mind of the People of Israel and He created satanic thoughts in the Mind of the Jewish People and Roman Kingdom of the Israel. Satan crucified the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ on Cross through the People of Israel by his conspiracies. Father God did not stop these things because He was knowing that If He saves Jesus then Again Those People would do same conspiracies against Jesus Christ, Satan would again try to kill Jesus by his Conspiracies,Satan would not allow Jesus to live in Israel because Satan had made the people of Israel his slaves that time. 
Satan was the cause of the Death of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. God is Just and His Justice was the cause of the Bodily Resurrection of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Through Bodily Resurrection, Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ entered in the Holy Eternal Life of Heaven. 

✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️
✝️Hebrews 12:6✝️
✝️6. For whom the Lord loveth, he chastiseth; and he scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.✝️

✝️[Ignatius Catholic Study Bible]✝️
✝️Hebrews 12:6 RSV-CE✝️
6 For the Lord disciplines him whom he loves,
and chastises every son whom he receives."
Hebrews 12:6 RSV-CE



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