➕✝️⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Preacher of the Holy Words of the Holy Sanctification [Hebrews 12:10]✝️➕⛪

✝️Special Notes✝️ :- Father of Flesh instructed us towards Holy Words. In the Holy Guidance of the Father of flesh, We learnt holy words and tried to implement the holy words in our life. We knew lord and We knew his miracles through Holy Words. Father of Flesh taught us virtuousness, honesty, faithfulness, mercy and love. There is the divine virtuousness of the holy divine words in the Holy Divine Father God. There is sanctification in the Holy Words. Father of Flesh taught us about Dignity. Father of Flesh taught us about Holy Actions. Father of Flesh taught us about Charity. 
Father God is himself the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Dignity. There is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Truth in the Supreme  Holy Eternal Divine Dignity. Through Positive Energy, Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Dignity creates the words of dignity in the Person's Mind. Holy Dignity guides the persons towards holiness and purity. Holy Dignity guides the persons towards virtuousness. Holy Dignity is faithful and honest towards Holy Father God. Father of Flesh taught us about Holy Dignity. Holy Dignity conquered the evil words. Holy Dignity is kind. Holy Words of Holy Dignity helps the Persons. Holy Words of the Holy Dignity are the cause of the Holy Peace. Holy words of the Holy Dignity are the cause of the Holy Grace. Holy words of the Holy Dignity are the cause of the Holy assistance of the Holy Grace. 
Dignity is Unborn, Immortal,Uncreate and Unmade because Dignity resides in the Spirit. God himself is Spirit. God is Supreme Holy Spirit and Supreme Holy Spirit is the Supreme Holy Eternal Dignity. Supreme Holy Eternal Dignity is Unborn, Immortal, Uncreate and Unmade. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Dignity produced the Dignity. Holy words produced the thoughts of Holy Dignity in the Human's Mind. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Dignity is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word. Holy Word is the Holy Dignity because Persons knew the Holy Dignity by the Holy Virtuous Words.
Father God is the supreme holy eternal divine dignity and Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Dignity created the Holy Divine Dignity. Holy Divine Dignity created the Holy Dignity. There is holy dignity in the Holy words. There is holy dignity in the virtuous words. Holy words are the cause of the Holy Actions. There is holy dignity in the holy actions. There is peace in the holy dignity. There are holy mercy and holy love in the holy dignity. There is holy charity in the holy dignity. Holy Dignity guides persons towards Holy Father God.
Humans are full of errors. No Humans are errorless. Errors of Sinner Person persecute the Virtuous Persons. Errors of Hatred are the cause of the addictions of the fake false blamings. There are the errors of Envy in the Humans. Errors are the cause of sins. Due to errors of thoughts, Humans speak evil words. Due to errors, Humans become Angry. Errors of thoughts are the cause of the unpeaceful mind.
There are errors in the words of Humans. There is rudeness in the errorful words. Errorful words speak evil words and abuse the persons. Errorful words break the heart of the person. Errorful words insult the persons. Errorful words are the cause of Violence. Errorful words are the full of evil pride. There are evil conspiracies in the evil words. Holy words reduce the errorful words from the Human's Mind. There is humbleness in the Holy Words. There is humility in the Holy Words. There is softness of heart in the Holy words. There is mercy in the Holy words. There is love in the Holy words. There are purity and holiness in the Holy words. Holy words reduce the risk of violence. Holy words are the cause of peace. There are the positive holy energies in the Holy words. There are the negative energies in the errorful evil words.
Word is Truth. Truth knows every thing. Truth knows the Past. Truth knows the Present and Truth Knows the Future. Truth is omniscient. Truth is in Time and Time is in the Truth. Nobody can hide anything from truth and Nobody can hide anything from Time. Time passes through Truth. Time is truth and Truth is Time. Truth knows the History. Spirit of Truth is himself in the Truth. Truth is the reality of the Person. Time knows the Truth. Creator of Time Spirit of Truth knows the Truth. Truth is Real and False is fake. Truth moves along with Time. Truth and Time never pass away because Truth and Time are eternal. Spirit of Truth knows the Truth. Divine Truth himself is in the Truth and Truth gives justice. There is peace in the Truth. There is humility in the Truth. There is mercy in the Truth. Truth is hard, not easy. Truth is in the Judgement and Judgement is in the Truth. There is Justice in the Truth. Truth is unborn, immortal, uncreate and unmade.
Supreme Holy Eternal Divine word is himself the Holy Eternal Divine Priest. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine word is the priest of his divine words. Creator Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word has faith in his holy divine words and There is the holy eternal divine energy in the Holy Eternal Divine Words. Creator Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word cured diseases by his holy eternal divine words through Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word healed the Persons by his holy eternal divine words through Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. There was the spirit of truth in the Spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine word created the whole universe by his holy eternal divine words. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word created the Time by his holy divine words and controlled the Time by his holy eternal divine words. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine word is himself the Supreme Holy Eternal  Divine Wisdom. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word is himself the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Energy. There is whole universe in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word.
Word had been perfected in the divine word Because Only True words reside in the Divine Word. There is the perfection of words in the divine words. Imperfections of Words created the evil words. There are errorful words reside in the imperfect words. Errors of the Evil words insult the persons. Errors of the Evil words break the heart of the Person. Errors of the Evil words hurt the person. There is rudeness in the evil words. Errors of the Evil words mock the persons. Errors of the Evil words abuse the persons. Envy of the errors of the Evil words kill the persons. Errors of the Evil words do conspiracies. Errors of the Evil Words are the cause of the hell. There is pride in the evil words. Errors of the Evil Words cheat the persons. Errors of Evil Words crucified the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Errors of the Evil Words insulted the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Errors of the Evil Words scourged the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ So There are the most horrific sins in the errors of the Evil Words.
There is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Character in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Dignity. Character resides in the Dignity. There is divine character in the divine dignity and There is holy character in the holy dignity. Dignity is Character and Character is Dignity. Holy words of Holy Dignity are the cause of the Holy Virtuous Actions and There is holy character in the Holy Virtuous Actions. There is the holy character in the Holy Virtuous Words. Holy Character is honest and faithful. Holy Character is merciful and There is holy love in the holy character.
There is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Dignity in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word. There is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Dignity. There is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Energy in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word. There is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Energy in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Dignity. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Energy created the Whole Universe. Divine Energy is a part of the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Energy. Divine Energy created the Positive Energy. Positive Energy created the Positive Words. Positive Energy creates the Positive thoughts in Mind.
Saint Paul wrote in his letter " And they indeed for a few days, according to their own pleasure, instructed us: but he, for our profit, that we might receive his sanctification."
Holy Trinity is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Holiness. There is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Sanctification in the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Holiness. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Sanctification purifies the Spirits of the Persons. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Sanctification purifies the heart of the Person. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Sanctification purifies the mind of the Person. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Sanctification forgives the Persons through the confessions of the persons, repentance of the persons and holy words of Prayers. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Sanctification is the cause of the forgiveness. 

⛪✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]➕✝️
✝️➕⛪[Hebrews 12:10]✝️➕⛪
10. And they indeed for a few days, according to their own pleasure, instructed us: but he, for our profit, that we might receive his sanctification.



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