➕✝️⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Peaceful Fruit of Justice[Hebrews 12:11]➕✝️⛪

✝️➕⛪Special Notes ✝️⛪➕:- Holy Discipline of the Holy Words bring the most peaceful fruit of Justice. Holy Discipline of Holy Words is our holy cross who makes us virtuous, merciful and gentle. Holy Discipline of Holy words are the cause of the Holy Virtuous thoughts. There is the eternal joy in the temporary sorrow of the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words. There is eternal life of heaven in the temporary sorrow of the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words. In Holy Discipline of the Holy Words, Persons speak the virtuous words. In Holy Discipline of the Holy Words, Persons are gentle and merciful. Holy Discipline of the Holy Words learn the Manner of Holy living. The Sorrow of the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words is our Holy Cross, There is the dignity of Holy Cross in the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words. Holy Discipline of the Holy Words never speak evil words because Mind concentrates towards Holy Words So evil words never come in mind. Holy Discipline of the Holy Words control the Mind and Body. Holy Discipline of the Holy words brings the virtuous thoughts in the Human's Mind and erases evil thoughts from the Human's Mind. In the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words, Virtuous thoughts conquer the evil thoughts. In the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words, Virtuous Actions conquer the evil actions. Evil words hardens the Heart and Holy Discipline of the Holy Words softens the heart. Evil words make person cruel But Holy Discipline of the Holy Words makes person merciful. There is holy love in the merciful heart. There is holy character in the holy love. Holy Character of the Holy Love honors the Holy Dignity. In the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words, Merciful Heart conquers the Cruel Heart. In the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words, Holy Love conquers the hatred. Merciful Heart is the cause of the forgiveness. In the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words, Peace conquers the Violence and Peaceful thoughts conquer the Violent thoughts. In the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words, Justice conquers the unjustice. There is the most peaceful fruit of Justice in the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words. The most peaceful fruit of justice is the holy eternal life of heaven. There is eternal joy in the holy eternal life of heaven. There is no sorrow in the holy eternal life of heaven. There is no suffering in the holy eternal life of heaven. There is no struggling of life in the Holy eternal life of heaven. In the Holy Discipline of the Holy Words, Life conquers the Death Because There is no death in the Holy eternal life of Heaven. 
Saint Paul wrote in his letter " 
Now all chastisement for the present indeed seemeth not to bring with it joy, but sorrow: but afterwards it will yield, to them that are exercised by it, the most peaceable fruit of justice."

✝️⛪[Douay-Rheims CatholicBible]✝️⛪
✝️➕⛪[Hebrews 12:11]✝️➕⛪
✝️⛪11. Now all chastisement for the present indeed seemeth not to bring with it joy, but sorrow: but afterwards it will yield, to them that are exercised by it, the most peaceable fruit of justice.✝️➕⛪



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