➕✝️⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Evergreen Holy Crown of Truth [The Odes of King 👑 Solomon, Ode 1:3] ➕✝️⛪

The Holy Trinity is the Holy Divine Truth. The Holy Crown of The Holy Truth is the evergreen Crown, The Evergreen Crown never withers.
Special Notes :- The Holy Crown of the Lord is not like a withered crown which buds not. The Holy Crown of the Lord is the living holy crown. Living Holy Crown buds on the head of the Holy Royal Priest. Living Holy Crown was made of Living Holy Words. The Holy Crown of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ of Heaven is the holy living crown. Holy Divine Crown is eternal. Holy Divine Crown always resides in the mind and spirit of the holy divine royal priest lord jesus the nazarene christ. Holy Crown of the Holy Living Words purify the mind and Spirit. Holy Living Words of the Holy Crown plant the seed of the holy words in the mind and spirit. Seed of the Holy Living Words bud and blossom in the head of the Royal Priest. Holy Positive Virtuous Energy resides in the Holy Living Words. Words are always alive in the Living Holy Crown. There are no dead words in the Living Holy Crown. By the living words of Prayers, King David defeated Giant Goliath. By the Living Words of Prayers, King David conquered his enemies. By the Living Words of Prayers, King David protected his country Israel. Living Words are true words, Living Words change the Time and control the Time. Holy Eternal Priest Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ changed the Time by his words, He cured many diseases by his words, He healed the Persons by his words. Spirit of Truth himself was in the Spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Living Holy Divine True Words weared the Holy Crown of Heaven to the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Power of Holy Words guided the King Solomon towards the Virtuous Action. Power of Holy Words guided the King Solomon towards holiness and purity. Power of Holy Words was the cause of the God's Grace over the King Solomon.

⛪✝️[The Odes of King 👑 Solomon]⛪✝️
⛪✝️[Ode 1:3]⛪✝️
3. For it is not like a withered crown which buddeth not: but thou livest upon my head, and thou hast blossomed upon my head.


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