➕✝️⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Crown of Truth [The Odes of King 👑 Solomon, Ode 1:2] ➕✝️⛪

Special Notes :- Father God is the Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Truth.Truth neither takes birth nor dies. No body can kill truth because Truth resides in the Time and Time is the witness of Truth. Time knows everything, Time Knows the Past Truth, Time Knows the Present Truth and Time knows the Future Truth. Divine Truth Supreme Holy Spirit Father God is the creator of Time and He created Time by his omniscient power. As like as Truth, Time is unborn and immortal. Supreme Holy Spirit Father God is the creator of Truth So Supreme Holy Spirit Father God is called the Supreme Divine Truth. Word of Supreme Holy Spirit Father God is the Supreme Divine Truth. Supreme Divine Truth is a father of Divine Truth because Divine Truth resides in the Supreme Divine Truth. In other words, Divine Truth is a part of the Supreme Divine Truth. Holy words wove the crown of truth. Crown of Truth plants the seed of truth in the person's mind and When Seed of truth becomes plant, His Branches bud in the person's mind. Truth is one and That is God. There are Supreme Holiness and Supreme Purity in the Supreme Holy Spirit Father God. 
Holy Words woven the crown of truth for King Solomon and King Solomon weared that crown of truth on his head and Then Branches of the tree of the Truth of the Holy Words were bud in the Mind of King Solomon. King Solomon was the Virtuous Royal Priest. He was the Son of the Holy Royal Priest King David. There was the miraculous power in the Holy Prayers of the Holy Royal Priest King David. By His Holy Prayers, Royal Priest King David got victory in every war. Every Day King David was doing prayers in his holy discipline and By Holy Prayers, He received holy god's grace. 
King Solomon followed his father's Tradition and He also received holy god's grace by the holy words of the holy prayers. In God's Grace, He received the miraculous supernatural ring from the archangel Michael. By His Holy Ring, He controlled every demons and every evil spirits. 
Holy Words please the God. Holy Actions of the Holy Words please the God. Holy Words never hurt the any persons, Holy Words heal the Persons. Evil words are the cause of the Evil Actions. Virtuous Holy Words are the cause of the Virtuous Holy Actions. Holy words create the Crown of Truth, There are holiness and purity in the Crown of Truth. Crown of Truth is Just and He punishes the Sinners. Crown of Truth is humble and merciful. Crown of Truth gives Charity. Crown of Truth saves the innocent life by his holy justice. There is eternal life of heaven in the crown of truth. 

⛪✝️[The Odes of King 👑 Solomon]⛪✝️
⛪✝️[Ode 1:2]⛪✝️
They wove for me a crown of truth, and it caused thy branches to bud in me.


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