Sunday, June 23, 2024

➕⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Evil Mind of fornicator and Profane Person [Hebrew 12:16]⛪✝️➕

⛪✝️Special Notes✝️⛪:- There are errors in the human nature , Errors of human nature created evil words and Evil words created the Evil thoughts. Evil Persons implemented evil thoughts in their life So They became fornicator and wicked persons. Love your God with whole heart and whole mind So Leave evil words and evil thoughts, Accept God's words and Implement God's words in your life. 
Words of Mind always changes , Some times virtuous words come in the mind and some times unholy sinful words come in the mind. Virtuous words create the virtuous thoughts and virtuous thinkings in the mind. Unholy Sinful words create the unholy sinful thoughts, lusty thoughts and unholy sinful thinkings in the mind, It is the cause of the sin of fornication. When Persons move away from the holy words and the holy thoughts, Then Lusty words and Lusty thoughts became uncontrolable in the human mind, So Persons are unable to control their body and Persons become fornicator. 
Lord Jesus Christ allowed us to eat only eternal heavenly things, not mortal dead things. Vegan foods are the heavenly things. Flesh of animals are the dead things because For eating the flesh of animals, Persons firstly kill the animals then they cook their fleshs So It is called Sin because There are Sins in the dead things and There is cruelty in the animal slaughter. God gives us birth right, Persons are not authorized for selling the Birth Right. Esau and Jacob were twin brothers, Firstly Esau took birth and after this Jacob took birth but Esau sold his first birth right to Jacob. One day Esau was unable to hunt out any animal for food then he became hungry, He went to nearby Jacob and told him that I need some food for eat , If you do not give me food for eat then I would be die due to hunger. Then Jacob said to him "firstly sell your birth right to me, then I would give food to you." So Essau sold his birth right to Jacob. Esau had the tasted the animal flesh as like as his father Issac, They had additiction of eating it When He found nothing in the wild hunt game, Then He committed Sin. For Single Meal, Esau sold his first birth right, This was against the law of God and the Rule of God.
Esau was a sinful person.Outside his tribe,He married to two cannanite women. So Esau is called the Profane Person in the New Testament. Due to Lustful thoughts, Esau attracted towards Cannanite women. Lustful thoughts attract towards beauty. Esau broke the God's law due to lusty thoughts. Lusty thoughts made Esau Profane. Lusty thoughts were the cause of declination of Esau and Lusty thoughts were the cause of the declination of King Solomon.
Lord Jesus Christ removed the lusty thoughts and adultry from the person's mind by his holy words. He gave two holy commandments to us. God's Grace resides in the holiness and purity. Without holiness and purity, There is no god's grace on human. Holiness and Purity reside in the true love and true mercy. There is no selfishness in the true love and There is no selfishness in true mercy. There are honesty and faithfulness in the True Love. There is the holy character in the true love. There are implementations of the holy words in the holy character. 
Lord Jesus said " Love your God with 'all your soul, whole heart and whole mind', Love your neighbour as yourself." 
God's Grace resides in the Purified Soul. God's Grace resides in the humble merciful heart. God's Grace resides in the holy purified mind. Humble Merciful Heart in his holy merciful character helps his neighbour. Show your true honesty and true faithfulness in holy god. 

✝️⛪[Hebrews 12:16]⛪✝️
16. Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau; who for one mess, sold his first birthright.


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