Sunday, June 9, 2024

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Letter of King Abgarus to Jesus [The holy mission of the Lord Jesus Christ] [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [2:3] [Chapter 2]

Special Notes :- Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the divine word, He was spreading the words of God to the people of Israel. In other words, The divine healer was himself the word of God. His mission was established the God's Kingdom. Spirit of Truth himself was in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Spirit of Truth conquered the Spirit of False. Satan is the spirit of false. Spirit of Truth inside Lord Jesus Christ was spreading the message of God through his miracles. Spirit of Truth is the creator of Time and Spirit of Truth controls the Time. Time travels in the Truth because Time knows the Truth. Nobody can hide truth in front of Time because Supreme divine time knows the every truth , Supreme divine time is the omniscient. Father God himself is the supreme divine time and Holy Trinity is himself the supreme divine time. Divine Word cured the disease of diseased persons, Spirit of truth was in the divine word. Divine word rescued the persons from the evil spirit and casted out demons from the human bodies. Divine word controlled the water and the air. Divine word was the cause of the Resurrection of Dead. Divine word converted water in to wine. Divine word is the creator and resides in the Supreme Holy eternal divine word. Creator divine word resides in the spirit of God. Divine word is the unborn and the immortal. Lord Jesus the nazarene christ was himself the divine word. Divine word took incarnation in the flesh as Jesus Christ. Neither Crucifixition nor Scourge could destroy the divine word, Even Satan was not able to destroy the divine word because Divine word was residing in the spirit of Jesus Christ and Divine word was the cause of the bodily resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. Satan crucified the Lord Jesus Christ by the People. Lord Jesus Christ conquered death and satan by his resurrection. Lord Jesus Christ was the heavenly thing and the heavenly spirit, Heavenly thing and Heavenly spirit went to heaven. His divine actions created the faith in the heart and the mind of the people of Israel, This was the holy mission of the holy lord jesus christ. Lord Jesus Christ made impossible thing possible.
Lord Jesus Christ declined the invitation of King Abgarus by these words "As to that part of your letter, which relates to my giving you a visit, I must inform you, that I must fulfil all the ends of my mission in this country, and after that be received up again to him who sent me."

[Chapter 2][2:3]
3. As to that part of your letter, which relates to my giving you a visit, I must inform you, that I must fulfil all the ends of my mission in this country, and after that be received up again to him who sent me.

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