⛪✝️[ Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Sanctification through Holy Blood [Hebrews 13:12]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[ Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Sanctification through Holy Blood [Hebrews 13:12]⛪✝️
Special Notes :- There are eternal holiness and eternal purity in the heavens. Death does not reside in the Heavens. Sins do not reside in the Heavens. Holy Spiritual Energy resides in the Heavens. Living Holy Words reside in the Heavens. Living Holy Trees reside in the Heavens. Only Sinless Virtuous Persons go to heavens. Every Persons are Sinners. So Every Persons need the forgiveness of sins. Holy Difficult Time of the Holy Virtuous God turn the heart of the Sinners towards the God. Holy Difficult Time is the cause of the Confession of the Persons. Confession is the cause of the Repentance. Repentance is the cause of the prayers of the forgiveness of sins. Holy Divine Mercy is the cause of the forgiveness of the Sins. In Human Nature, Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ suffered as the Simple Human and Sacrificed himself for the Truth. In Human Nature, Divinity Suffered. There were no influences of the Human Cells in the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ So Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was ever pure since his birth. The Holy Divine Miracles of the Blessed Holy Father God created the Holy body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ inside the womb of the Holy Virgin Mary without defiling the Virgin Mary. Holy Blood of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ sanctifies us. There are the miraculous healing powers in the Holy Blood of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Holy Blood of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ casts out demons and devils from the Human Bodies. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ himself was the Holy divine word. His Holy Body was himself the Holy word and His Blood was himself the Holy word. In the Holy Body, Divinity was residing. In the Holy Body, Holy Divine Cells were residing. Spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ made the cells divine by his divine power. Holy Cells of the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was connected to each other due to Holy divine spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ in the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Word healed the persons and Word casted out demons and devils. Holy Blood of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the symbol of the victory of divinity over Human Nature. Holy Resurrection conquered the Death. In Human Nature, Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ suffered without Gate and He died without Gate. In Divine Nature, He rose from the dead with his body and ascended to heaven with his holy body. He was born of Spirit So He was the incarnation of God because Incarnation of God is the born of Spirit, not born of woman. Holy Blood of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the cause of the miraculous powers of the Holy Cross. Holy Blood of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ built the Pillar of the Holy Church. 

⛪✝️[Douay Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪✝️
⛪✝️[Hebrews 13:12]⛪✝️
12. Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people by his own blood, suffered without the gate.


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