⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Unprofitable Mortalness of the Mortal Sacrifice [Hebrews 13:11]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Unprofitable Mortalness of the Mortal Sacrifice [Hebrews 13:11]⛪✝️
Special Notes :- The Purity of Heart is greater than all sacrifices. The Purity of Mind is greater than all Sacrifices. The Purity of Conscience is greater than all Sacrifices. In the Name of God, Jews sacrificed the Beasts to God mercilessly for the forgiveness of sins. In Tabernacle, They sacrificed the Beasts and They burnt the Bodies of the Beasts outside the Camp. God does not want the Sacrifice of the any beasts. God never needed the Sacrifice of the Beasts Because God is the most holiest among all holies. God is the most purest among all purities. God is the omniscient, the omnipotent and the omnipresent. Most merciful father God never accept the mortal imperfect unholy  sacrifices. Most Purest Father God accepts the holy sacrifices. Father God never eats any thing So He wants the sacrifices of the Holy words and He wants the sacrifices of the holiness of the holy heart. Holiness of the Holy words please the God. Purity of mind pleases the God. Purity of Conscience pleases the God. Father God is himself the most holy of holies. Most holy of holies The Holy Divine Father does not accept the mortal dead bodies of the Beasts. The Mortal Imperfect Sacrifice cannot please the God. The Mortal Imperfect Sacrifice does impure the most holy of the holies. There is evilness in the  Mortal Imperfect Sacrifice So Only Devils and Satan accept the Unholy sacrifice of the Beasts. The Most holy of the holies is the most holy place of God. The Holy Resurrected Glorified Heavenly Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is himself the most holy of the holies. The Holy Resurrected Glorified Heavenly Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is the most pure of the Pures. The Living Holy Words reside in the most holy of the holies. Those who rejected the impure tabernacle, They were eligible for the most holy of the holies. Those who rejected the impure tabernacle, They were eligible for eating the food of the divine altar. In Impure Tabernacle, There was the impure sacrifice of the mortal beasts. The Holiest Father God accepts the Holy Sacrifice. Holy Sacrifice of the Holy praise pleases the Holy Father God. Blood of Beasts cannot purify the Human because Blood of Beasts are Impure, Unholy and Sinful. There is the animal nature in the Blood of the Beasts. There is no wisdom in the blood of the Beasts. There is no intellect in the blood of the Beasts. There is no peace in the blood of the Beasts. There is the wild nature in the Blood of the Beasts. Sinful Blood cannot forgive the sins of the persons and It increases the sins of the persons. The Body of the Sacrificed Beasts had been burnt without Camp because Jews themselves accepted that Body of Beasts are unholy, impure and useless, There is no regard of the Body of the Beasts. Blood of the Beasts made holies Unholy. Unholy things cannot bring on the Holy Place because Unholy things are dead. Holy Place is not for Dead. There is no power of forgiveness in the Dead things. 
Only Heavenly things can bring on the Holy Place. Because Heavenly things bring God's Blessings on the Holy Place. Heavenly things bring Holy miracles on the Holy Place. Heavenly things bring God's Protections on the Holy Place. Holy Eternal words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ were the eternal heavenly things who bring heavenly wisdom on the Holies. Holy Eternal words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ bring Holy Eternal Life. Holy Eternal Words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ are the cause of the Holy Salvation. Holy Eternal words do free the Persons from the Slavery of Sins and the illusions of Sins. 

⛪✝️[Douay Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪✝️
⛪✝️[Hebrews 13:11]⛪✝️
11. For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the holies by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp.


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