[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 5 : 5
[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Believers of the Son of God, Jesus Christ overcometh the world [1 John 5:5 ] Special Notes :- Those persons who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, They have overcome the world. Holy Spirit of the Jesus christ is a part of the Supreme Spirit Father God. Holy Jesus Christ of the heaven is the incarnation of the father god. True Followers of the Jesus christ have overcome the illusion of the Worldly Substances, illusion of the worldly desires and illusion of the 'world and worldly greeds '.Followers of the Jesus christ have found the true peace in the Jesus christ. They have overcome the Greed and Anger. They have overcome the envy of the envious persons. They have overcome the Sins of the Sinners. They have overcome the heresy and hypocrisy. They have overcome the worldly sins. Neither Persecution nor torcher can defeat and destroy the true followers of the Jesus christ,Persecution makes them Courageous and Torcher makes them strong...