[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 5 : 1

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Christ Jesus [1 John 5 :1 ]
Special Notes :- Soul neither takes birth nor dies. Soul is neither being created nor being made. Unborn Supreme Spirit or Supreme Soul produced the Unborn Souls. Some Spirits always attach with the Supreme Spirit,These Spirits never detach from the Unborn Supreme Spirit. As per Father God's will, one begotten Spirit took incarnation as human child on the earth for Spreading the light of the knowledge to the whole world. That Spirit was the divine humanity who came in the human nature from the divine nature for saving the humanity,That Spirit was the Jesus christ, Who took incarnation for Saving the world. Jesus Christ was the true light from the true light Unborn Father God. He was the true incarnation of the Unborn Father God. True Son of God from True God, True knowledge from the true knowledge, True divinity from true divinity,True Resurrection from the True Immortal one father god, True peace from true peace, True love from True love, True Spirit from True Supreme Spirit . Jesus was the Christ who came in human nature from the divine nature for saving the world . In Reality, Heavenly Spirit of the Jesus christ is from the Unborn Father God. Heavenly Jesus's Spirit is from the Unborn Father God's Spirit. Unborn Father God lives in the Unborn Jesus Christ and Unborn Jesus Christ lives in the Unborn Father God. In other words, Unborn Supreme Spirit lives in the Holy Jesus's resurrected spiritual body, and Unborn Jesus Christ lives in the Endless, limitless, Immortal,Infinite and Non-dual Supreme Spirit. Father God and Son of God Jesus Christ are one, These are not two gods but one God, one is God and Second one is the incarnation of the God. Unborn Supreme Spirit produced the Unborn holy Spirit, Unborn Supreme Spirit is the Holy Spirit and Unborn Holy Spirit lives in the Unborn Supreme Spirit so Holy Spirit is the Supreme Spirit, Holy Spirit lives in the Unborn Supreme Spirit father god and Unborn Holy Spirit lives in the Unborn Jesus Christ So Holy Trinity(Father, Son and the holy spirit ) are not three Gods but one God in three persons or one God in three forms,in other words Three persons in the one god.This is proof that Jesus is the Christ.
Those persons, who believe that Jesus is the Christ, The God's grace always lives upon those persons And Everyone who loves the God and the Son of the God Jesus Christ, Should love to those persons who are in the God's grace. The God's divine love, The God's divine mercy and The God's grace makes that persons, born of the God.

1 John 5:1
"Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God. And every one that loveth him who begot, loveth him also who is born of him."

Roman Catholic Bible

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