[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 21

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Love the God and Love also brother [1 John 4:21 ]
Special Notes :- If you love God, You must follow the God's commandments. If you love God, You should love your brother and your neighbour too,It is called the true love. Love the God, Love also your brother, Love also your neighbour. If you love God and You hate your brother or You hate your neighbour, Then Your love towards the God is fake and You are wasting your prayers because There is the Sin in your mind. With Sinful mind, You can not please the Unborn Father God. You can not do prayer for taking revenge, You can not do prayer for destroying any person, These type of prayers are evil prayers and Unborn Father God never answers these type of prayers. You can not pray with Sinful thinkings and Sinful thoughts, You are wasting your time and your prayers,Neither Jesus nor God answers these type of prayers.Unborn Father God is able to read your mind, You can not cheat to the father god,You can not cheat to Jesus. Unborn Father God knows every thing. Unborn Jesus Christ,Son of God, is a part of the God. Holy Trinity knows every thing. Father, Son and Divine Spirit are one. So love your brother and your neighbour along with father god,This is the True love.

1 John 4:21
"And this commandment we have from God, that he, who loveth God, love also his brother."
Roman Catholic Bible

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