[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 5 : 3

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Unheavy Commandments of the Unborn Father God [1 John 5 :3 ]
Special Notes :- The God's commandments is not heavy, This is the love of the Unborn Father God which provided his commandments to us, This is the easiest way of the Heaven,This shows the Kindness of the Unborn Father God. The God's commandments teach us about the Virtuous life. The Jesus's commandments is the God's commandments. The Almighty Father God is one. Three persons Father God, Son Jesus Christ and Holy spirit live in one father god, Three persons Father, Son and Holy spirit are in one God,In other words one God in three forms. The two commandments are greater than all commandments, 1)Love the lord your God with all your hearts, with all your Souls,with all your minds and with all your strengths 2 ) Love your neighbour as Your self. The Unborn Supreme Spirit father god is the endless divine love. The Unborn Supreme Spirit father god is the endless divine mercy. The Unborn Father God is the endless virtuous deeds and the infinite forgiveness. The Unborn Son Jesus Christ of the heaven is the divine humanity and the Unborn holy Spirit is the divine spirit. There are three persons, Unborn Father God, Unborn son Jesus Christ of the heaven and Unborn Holy Spirit in one Supreme Spirit,These three persons are Called holy Trinity. Holy Trinity is one, it means that the Unborn son Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the Unborn Father God. The Jesus's commandments is the God's commandments. The Jesus's commandments is the Holy spirit's commandments. First commandment of the Jesus christ is the love the Lord your God with all your hearts, with all your minds and with all your strengths,It means that 'worship and pray ' to the father god with 'pure heart, pure Mind, pure thoughts, Peace, Good deeds, pure love, Mercy, forgiveness, kindness, honesty, confession,repentance,humility and Humanity'. The Unborn Father God is the endless divine peace. The Second commandment of the Unborn Jesus Christ is love your neighbour as your self . When your neighbour will be happy then your spirit will be happy, Your spirit can not find peace when your neighbour is in trouble, so help your neighbour with Unselfish mind, Then Your spirit will be able to find out true peace. There is no selfishness in the true love.The Unborn Father God is the Divine assistance.

1 John 5:3
"For this is the charity of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not heavy."
Roman Catholic Bible

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