✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Vengeance [Hebrews 10:30]✝️

✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Holy Vengeance [Hebrews 10:30]✝️
Special Notes :- Supreme Holiness created the Heavens beautiful in his holiness. Creations had been perfected in the Creation of Heavens by the Creator of Heavens, Father God. Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Word produced the Unborn Holy Eternal Priesthood. So Holy Eternal Divine Priesthood is the Unborn and Immortal because Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Priest himself is the Unborn and Immortal. The Holy Eternal Divine Priesthood produced the Holy Divine Judgement. Judgement belongs to Priest because Priest is kind and gentle. Priest is the saviour of 'virtuousness and gentleness'. Priest is the protector of divinity because Priest spreads the Holy Eternal Divine Words. Holy Divine Priesthood of Holy Divine Priest Jesus Christ was himself the Priesthood of Supreme Holy Eternal Divine Priest Father God. Holy Divine Priesthood of Father God produced the divine Judgement and There was divine justice in the divine judgement. The Holy Vengeance belongs to the Father God because By the holy vengeance, Father God gives Justice to his people. The Holy Vengeance of Holy Father God was destroying the Kingdom of Pharaoh and Saved the Dignity of Prophet Abraham's wife Sarah. The Holy Vengeance of Holy Father God showed his holy wrath on the Kingdom of Egypt and Saved the Prophet Moses and Jews. The Holy Vengeance of Holy Father God punished the evilness and saved the Virtuousness.
Evilness had been destroyed by the Holy Vengeance and Virtuousness had been protected by the Holy Vengeance. Holy Vengeance is the destructive. Holy Vengeance saved the Prophet Abraham and Prophet Moses. Holy Vengeance was the cause of the destruction of the evil kingdom of Egypt. Due to Holy Vengeance, Evil Spirits fall in the horrible hell. Holy Vengeance judges the persons by their actions. Holy Divine Vengeance of Father God is kind and gentle. Holy Divine Vengeance of Father God forgives the persons through 'repentance and confessions' of the Persons. Holy Divine Vengeance is the 'protector and defender' of the Holy Kingdom of Holy Heaven. Holy Divine Vengeance of the Holy Lord is the Holy Divine Judge.

⛪ [Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪
Hebrews 10:30
30. For we know him that hath said: Vengeance belongeth to me, and I will repay. And again: The Lord shall judge his people.


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