✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible]The Fight of Afflictions[Hebrews 10:32]✝

✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible]The Fight of Afflictions[Hebrews 10:32]✝
️Special Notes :- The Word of Mind is the cause of Actions. Earthly Life is full of Sorrows due to his Mortalness. Humans endure the fight of afflictions in their worldly life. Sorrows break the heart of the persons. Sorrows are the cause of the pain of persons. Sorrows are the cause of Sufferings. Imperfections of Mortal Humans are the cause of the long term Sufferings. Holy Jesus Christ faced Short term Sufferings due to evilness of Mortal Humans. Bodily Resurrection of Holy Jesus Christ was the Holy Justice of Holy Father God. Fight of Afflictions destroys the evil persons But Fight of Afflictions are unable to destroy the Virtuous Persons because Father God helps the Virtuous Persons. Every Person fights the fight of Afflictions. With the help of Holy Father God, Holy Virtuous Persons conquer the Battle against Afflictions and Sufferings. Illusions of Worldly things are the cause of Sorrows because There are worldly desires in the Worldly things. Illusions of Worldly Words are the cause of the Sorrows because Worldly Words hurt the Persons, Worldly Words break the heart of the persons. Worldly Words and Worldly thoughts persecute the Holy Virtuous Persons, Persecutions are the cause of the Sorrows of Holy Virtuous Persons. Holy Virtuous Persons are followers of Truth and Holy True Words of Holy Jesus Christ. Evil Persons persecute the Holy Virtuous Persons due to true words of Holy Virtuous Persons. There is peace in the Holy Virtuous Person. Evil Persons break the peace of mind of Holy Virtuous Persons through Persecution. Evil Persons are envious. There is endurance in the Peace. There is goodness in the Peace. There is friendship in the Peace. There is kindness in the Peace. Peace is non-violent.
There are struggles in the fight of afflictions. There are holiness and purity in the Holy Peaceful Mind.
Saint Paul wrote in this letter "But call to mind the former days, wherein, being illuminated, you endured a great fight of afflictions."

⛪ [Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪
Hebrews 10:32
32. But call to mind the former days, wherein, being illuminated, you endured a great fight of afflictions.


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