✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Punishment [Hebrews 10:29]✝️➕

✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Punishment [Hebrews 10:29]✝️➕
Special Notes :- Divine law was created by the Holy Divine Words. Divine Word produced the Divine Actions. There was Holiness in the Divine Actions. Divine Actions of Divine Character created Faith. There is divine Peace in the Holy Divine Faith. Law had been perfected in the Divine law of Divine Priesthood. Traditions had been perfected in the Divine Traditions of Divine Priesthood. There was perfection of character in the Holy Priesthood of Holy Jesus Christ. There was the holy dignity of Holiness in the holiness of Holy Jesus Christ. Father God himself was the saviour of 'the honour and the respect' of the Holy Jesus Christ. Mortal Humans did not know the Power of Holy Spirit. Mortal Humans did not know the Power of the Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ. They Persecuted Holy Lord Jesus Christ. By Persecution, They killed the Holy Jesus Christ. Crucifixion was the most worst persecution by whom People killed Holy Jesus Christ.
Hurting the Holy Spirit is the horrific Sin. Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ was the most Holy Spirit . They hurted the Holy Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ. They broke the heart of Lord Jesus Christ. They insulted the Holy Jesus Christ. They Mocked the Holy Jesus Christ. They sacrificed the Holy Jesus Christ as like as their lambs with their horrific cruelty. They forgot the Love of old Testament due to their envy and They forgot the mercy of old Testament due to their envy. They had been blinded by Evil Words So They did evil actions. They trodden the Holy Jesus under their foot. They uncleaned the blood of Testament by which They were sanctified and had offered an affront to the Spirit of grace. They killed the innocent vegan holy Jesus Christ as like as their sacrificial animals. Their errors committed the most horrific sins. Due to their errors, Their Souls fell in the most horrific hell for receiving the most horrific punishments . Their Sins were unforgivable because There was Spirit of God in the Spirit of Holy Jesus Christ. Although Holy Lord Jesus Christ prayed on the Holy Cross for the forgiveness of sins of People. Their Sins were in actions So Their Sins were unforgivable.

⛪ [Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible] ⛪
Hebrews 10:29
29. How much more, do you think he deserveth worse punishments, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath esteemed the blood of the testament unclean, by which he was sanctified, and hath offered an affront to the Spirit of grace?


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