⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Defileness of the Root of Bitterness [Hebrews 12:15]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- Humans are imperfect. Although Human is the wisest creature among all creatures But Humans do errors due to their imperfect nature. Every Humans are Sinners, Every Humans need the forgiveness of Sins. For Forgiveness of Sins, Confession, Repentance and prayers are necessary. After Forgiveness of Sins, Humans are able to receive God's Grace.  God's Grace always protects the persons. God's Grace is the cause of the Miracles. God's Grace saved Prophet Abraham and his wife Sarah. God's Grace was the cause of the destruction of the evil kingdom of Egypt. God's Grace over the Prophet Abraham created the fear of Plague in the Mind of King Pharaoh and showed plague to the King Pharaoh. God's Grace was the cause of the miracles of the Prophet Abraham. In God's Grace, Prophet Moses parted the Red Sea. God's Grace rescued Jews from the evil kingdom of Egypt.

Sin defiles the Person. Negative Energy of Sin changes the mind of the Persons and Due to this,Persons do the Negative Activities. Negativeness does impure the mind and body. Negativeness rejects the positiveness and spreads evil in the mind. Positiveness is the eligible for the god's grace. God's Grace resides in the purity of heart. God's Grace resides in the gentleness. God's Grace resides in the Love and the Mercy. God's Grace resides in the virtuousness. Holy Positive Energy receives the holy protection of the holy divine energy. Holy Positive Energy resides in the Holy Words. Holy Words are the cause of the God's Grace. Holy Words are the cause of the forgiveness of sins. Holy Words purify the conscience. Holy words purify the mind. Holy words are the cause of the purity of heart and Holy words are the cause of the holy actions. Implementations of the Holy Words in Life are called the Holy actions.

Negative words are the cause of the Negative thoughts. Negative words produce the negativity in the Mind. Seed of Negative words produce the root of bitterness in the Mind When Root of bitterness springs up do hinder Then It defiles the Persons. Root of bitterness produces the evilness in the mind. Evilness creates diffuclties for virtuousness in the mind and Evilness removes the virtuousness from the mind. Bitterness defiles the mind and heart. Bitterness is the cause of envy. Bitterness opposes the virtuousness in the mind. There are internal battle between bitterness and virtuousness in the mind. Biggest Enemy of the Person is Person himself. Imperfect Nature of the Person destroys himself in the fake love. Attraction of the Mortal Beauty is the cause of the fake love. Person destroys himself by his evil mind. Person destroys himself due to his envy. Sin is the cause of the destruction. Person destroys himself by his anger. There is no peace in the evil mind. There are revengeful thoughts in the person's mind. Due to revengeful thoughts, Person destroys himself. Revengeful thoughts do increase enemies.

The Internal Battle of thoughts create emotions. The Internal Battle of thoughts create anger. The Internal Battle of thoughts break the Person. When Person thinks negative thoughts Then due to excessive negative thoughts, Negative thoughts are in the dominant position and Negative thoughts defeat the Positive thoughts in the Person's mind. When Person thinks positive holy words or speak holy words and does holy action then Positive thoughts are in the dominant position in the person's mind due to excessiveness of positive thoughts, Positive toughts defeat the Negative thoughts in the Person's mind. Due to Negative thinking, Persons stuck in the Past and not ready to accept Present and Truth is Present , Accept Present and It will shape your future.

There is the internal peace in the divine peace. Virtuous Holy words of the Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ creates the internal peace in the Mind. Internal Peace of the Mind is the free of all sins. There are no sinful thoughts in the peaceful mind. There is no enemy of the peaceful mind. The Internal Peace of the Mind spreads the love and the mercy. There are the tolerance and the forgiveness in the internal peace of mind. The Gentleness of the Holy Words create the internal peace of mind. The Internal Peace of Mind spreads love and mercy. Love of the Internal Peace helps the Persons. Love of the Internal Peace is the humble and the honest.

The internal Peace of Mind does not remember evil words,  only remembers good words. The Internal Peace of Mind deletes the Bad memory from the person's mind. In internal peace of mind, Persons do not stuck in the Bad memory. Internal Peace of mind is the cause of the bright future of the Person.

So remove the negative words from your mind and destroy the root of bitterness from your mind. Speak holy words, Listen holy words, talk about holy words, think about holy words and Implement the holy words in your life Then Root of bitterness will not spring up.

⛪✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Hebrews 12:15]⛪✝️

15. Looking diligently, lest any man be wanting to the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up do hinder, and by it many be defiled.

[The Miraculous Pawan Upadhyay Bible and The Miraculous Prayers by The Miraculous Writer Pawan Upadhyay (Miracles Since Year 2003).]


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