⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Letter of King Abgarus to Jesus [The Miraculous Curing by Words] [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [1:1 - 1:2] [Chapter 1]

Special Notes :- Saviour is Kind and Saviour Saves our lifes. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the Good Saviour. He saved the life of the persons. He rescued the Persons from evil Spirits. Lord Jesus Christ was himself the Word. He was the incarnation of the divine word. By his divine word, He controlled the Spirits. By his divine word, He cured many diseases. His divine words conquered the body of the Persons. His divine words healed the Persons. Without Medicine and herbs, Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ cured and healed the Persons. His Holy Divine Words were herbs and medicines. His Holy Divine Words healed the lame. His Holy Divine words healed the Blind. His Holy Divine Words controlled the Time. His Holy Divine Words brought good time in the Person's life.
Without Medicine and Herbs, Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ cured the diseases of the Persons. Without Medicine and Herbs, He healed the Persons. Lord Jesus Christ was the incarnation of the divine word, His divine words cured the persons and His divine words healed the persons. There was the divine energy in the holy divine words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Holy Divine Energy of the Divine Words of the Lord Jesus Christ controlled the Body and Spirit of the Persons and Holy Divine Energy of the Holy Divine Words cured the Body and healed the Body. Human Body was obeying the Lord Jesus Christ. Spirit of the Creator God was in the Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ. Time was obeying the divine words of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ was breathing the Divine Air because His Breathe was divine. Divine Healer Lord Jesus Christ made impossible work possible by his divine words, His divine words restored the Sight of the Blind Person who was blind by birth. His divine words healed the Leper and Lame Person. So Lord Jesus Christ was greater than all prophets and He was called the Son of God and Lord.

A copy of a letter written by King Abgarus to Jesus, and sent to him by Ananias, his footman, to Jerusalem, 5 inviting him to Edessa. 
1. ABGARUS, king of Edessa, to Jesus the good Saviour, who appears at Jerusalem, greeting 
2 I have been informed concerning you and your cures, which are performed without the use of medicines and herbs.


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