
[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 18

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Fearless Charity [1 John 4:18 ] Special Notes :- There is no fear in the charity.The Charity is fearless. There are two types of the Charity 1 ) Divine Charity 2 ) Virtuous Charity. The charity of the Unborn Father God is called the divine charity, The Charity of Jesus Christ is called the divine charity. The Divine charity is the 'most Superior and most pure' Charity. There is no selfishness in the divine charity. There is no envy in the divine charity. The Charity of love, The Charity of Kindness, The Charity of mercy, The Charity of Forgiveness, The Charity of miracles and other Charities of Virtues are the real Nature of the divine charity. The Divine charity is the virtuous charity but the virtuous charity can not be divine charity because The divine charity is the Miraculous. The Charities of human Virtues are Called the Virtuous Charity. The Charity of love, The Charity of the virtuous deeds, The Charity of Kindness, The Charity o...

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 17

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Divine Charity [1 John 4 :17 ] Special Notes :- The Unborn Father God is the Divine Charity. The Divine love of the father god is perfected with us, Due to the divine love of the father god, We may have confidence in the day of judgment. Just after death, Judgement Comes. The Divine charity of the Unborn Father God perfected with us through our lord Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ was the divine humanity. The Divine humanity Jesus Christ was the incarnation of the Unborn Father God. We have confidence in our lord Jesus Christ. During the Judgement time, The Father God will be save, Protect and defend our Spirits through his only begotten son Jesus Christ. Divine humanity is the Son of the divine love. When Jesus died, Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ acquired the Spiritual body and Holy spirit of Jesus Christ with his Spiritual body entered in hell and Holy spirit of Jesus Christ conquered the hell and He freed many Just Souls, After that, Holy Spirit of ...

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 16

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The God is charity [1 John 4:16 ] Special Notes :- Unborn Soul drives the body, Unborn Supreme Soul guides the Soul. Unborn God is the Supreme Soul, In other words Holy Spirit of the Unborn Father God is called the Supreme Soul. Sinless and most pure Supreme Soul is love, Whosoever believes in the Virtuous Love and the charity of love, He is abide in the father god. People take birth with the empty hand and People die with the empty hand.In other words, During birth and death, Hand is empty. Soul and Supreme Soul are Immortal in this world and Except Soul and Supreme Soul, Every things in the world are mortal. Nothing is permanent in the world, only Soul is real. Living in the Unborn Soul and Living in the Unborn Supreme Soul are Called true living. The world is the stage of the drama, Nothing is real in this drama, After death Person faces this truth. We are Souls, Only Soul is Living and real in the body. Our body is mortal, One day our Souls w...

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 15

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Jesus Christ, The son of Almighty Father God [The acceptance of Truth ] [1 John 4:15 ] Special Notes :- Jesus Christ is the Son of God, it is Truth. Real father of Jesus Christ was the holy spirit, it is Truth, so I use the word 'Unborn Jesus Christ'. Supreme Soul is the endless. Non-dual Supreme Soul is Infinite,In other words Supreme Soul is one and measureless. There is the neither beginning nor end of the Supreme Soul. 'The Length, breadth and the height' of the supreme Soul is Infinite,In other words There is no length, no breadth and no height of the supreme Soul. Supreme Soul is beyond space and time. Supreme Soul creates the time and Supreme Soul controls the time. Supreme Soul is beyond our thoughts. Supreme Soul is the bigger than whole Universe. Whole Universe is in the Supreme Soul. Supreme Soul is the omniscient,omnipotent and omnipresent. Supreme Soul knows every thing, No body can hide any thing from the Supreme Soul....

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] 1 John 4:14

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Unborn Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world [1 John 4:14 ] Special Notes :- There is no beginning and no end of The Unborn Supreme Soul. Unborn Supreme Soul is measureless. There is no length, no breadth and no height of the Unborn Supreme Soul. The Supreme Soul is the bigger than whole Universe, In other words Whole Universe is situated in the Supreme Soul. Unborn Supreme Soul creates the Universe and destroys the Universe. Supreme Soul is the Soul of the Unborn Father God, In other words, Holy Spirit of the God is called the Supreme Soul. Holy Spirit of the Jesus christ is a part of the holy spirit of the God. Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is the Son of the holy spirit of the God. We have seen the Glory of the Unborn Jesus Christ, The son of Almighty Father God. Unborn Jesus Christ, Son of the Almighty Father God is our Salvation. Unborn Jesus Christ, The son of the Almighty Father God is our healer. Unborn Jesus Christ, The son of the Unborn Almig...

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 13

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] We abide in the God [1 John 4:13 ] Special Notes :- There are two types of way, 1 )The way of Truth 2)The way of false. The way of Truth is divided into two parts 1 ) The divine way 2 )The Virtuous way. The way of false is divided into two parts 1 )The Sinner way (The way of Sin ) 2 )The Hypocrisy way (The way of hypocrisy ). The way of Truth is the way of heaven. The way of Truth is divine and Virtuous. The Divine way is the virtuous way but the virtuous way is not the divine way. The Divine way is the way of 'non-dual God and the incarnation of the Unborn Father God '.The Divine way is the way of divine person. The Divine way is the full of miracle. The Divine way is the way of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the divine person who performed many miracles in his divine way, and after death Jesus Christ went to heaven in his divine way. Jesus Christ came in human nature from divine nature for saving us from the hell. The Virtuous way i...

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] 1 John 4 : 12

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The God's Perfect love [1 John 4:12 ] Special Notes :- The Unborn Father God is Unseen, The Father God's body is the Spiritual body, There is no physical body in the father god so We are unable to see the father god. The Father God is endless. The father god created the man in his image. The Spiritual body of the Unborn Father God is in the image of Man. The Spiritual body of the Unborn Father God is the limit Size of the Unborn Supreme Soul but In reality, The Unborn Supreme Soul is endless, shapeless, Unmeasurable, Infinite, eternal, Sizeless, Unlimit, Spiritual, non-dual, Unform and Immortal. The Soul of the Father god is called the Supreme Soul.The Spiritual body can change his shape. The Unborn Father God has the endless love and endless mercy. When we live in the Virtue and we do the virtuous deeds, Then we are eligible for the God's blessing. When we love one another Then we are eligible for the God's grace. In the state of g...