[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 18

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Fearless Charity [1 John 4:18 ]
Special Notes :- There is no fear in the charity.The Charity is fearless. There are two types of the Charity 1 ) Divine Charity 2 ) Virtuous Charity. The charity of the Unborn Father God is called the divine charity, The Charity of Jesus Christ is called the divine charity. The Divine charity is the 'most Superior and most pure' Charity. There is no selfishness in the divine charity. There is no envy in the divine charity. The Charity of love, The Charity of Kindness, The Charity of mercy, The Charity of Forgiveness, The Charity of miracles and other Charities of Virtues are the real Nature of the divine charity. The Divine charity is the virtuous charity but the virtuous charity can not be divine charity because The divine charity is the Miraculous. The Charities of human Virtues are Called the Virtuous Charity. The Charity of love, The Charity of the virtuous deeds, The Charity of Kindness, The Charity of mercy, The Charity of Forgiveness and the charities of the other human Virtues are the virtuous charities. The Virtuous Charity is the limit but the Divine charity is the endless,limitless and Infinite. There is no fear in the charity. The Virtuous Charity is the fearless. The Divine charity protects, saves and defends the virtuous charity. Evil persons, Evil Spirits, devils and Satan can not stop the Virtuous Charity. The Divine charity destroys the evil Spirits, devils and Satan and The Powerful Time of the Divine charity defeats the evil persons. The Father God is the Divine Charity, The Divine Charity perfected the virtuous charity through the divine humanity Jesus Christ and The perfect charity casts out the fear. The Divine charity and the virtuous charity both are holy. The Negative Energy generates the fear. The Negative thoughts generate the fear. There is the thought of the pain in the fear. There is the thought of the punishment in the fear. There is the thinking of pain in the fear, There is the thinking of the punishment in the fear. Fearful thoughts and Fearful thinkings make the charity imperfect. There is no perfectness in the fearful love.

1 John 4:18
"Fear is not in charity: but perfect charity casteth out fear, because fear hath pain. And he that feareth, is not perfected in charity."
Roman Catholic Bible

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-


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