[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 16

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The God is charity [1 John 4:16 ]

Special Notes :- Unborn Soul drives the body, Unborn Supreme Soul guides the Soul. Unborn God is the Supreme Soul, In other words Holy Spirit of the Unborn Father God is called the Supreme Soul. Sinless and most pure Supreme Soul is love, Whosoever believes in the Virtuous Love and the charity of love, He is abide in the father god. People take birth with the empty hand and People die with the empty hand.In other words, During birth and death, Hand is empty. Soul and Supreme Soul are Immortal in this world and Except Soul and Supreme Soul, Every things in the world are mortal. Nothing is permanent in the world, only Soul is real. Living in the Unborn Soul and Living in the Unborn Supreme Soul are Called true living. The world is the stage of the drama, Nothing is real in this drama, After death Person faces this truth. We are Souls, Only Soul is Living and real in the body. Our body is mortal, One day our Souls will be leave our mortal bodies, it is Universal truth. Except Soul, Every things in this world are temporary. So love one another, Souls love to the Supreme Soul and Supreme Soul loves the Souls. Supreme Soul Father god is greedless,Supreme Soul Father god never answers the greedful prayers, Worship the Supreme Soul father god with pure heart, Commend your spirit to the father god, Donate your virtuous love to the father god, Donate your virtuous deeds to the father god. Unborn Father God is the Divine love and the divine love is the hungry of the Virtuous Love because person's virtuous love is the real love who pleases the Unborn Father God. The Unborn Father God is the hungry of Virtuous deeds, In other words The divine love is the hungry of the virtuous deeds. The Divine love is the hungry of the humility. The Divine love likes the charity of Virtuous Love, Charity of Virtuous deeds, Charity of Spirit, Charity of humility and the charity of Kindness. The Divine love is the Charity. There is the peace in the divine love. Charity connects the Virtuous Soul to the Supreme Soul, Charity connects the Supreme Soul to the Virtuous Soul. In other words, That Person who abideth in the charity, He abideth in the God and God abideth in him.

1 John 4:16
"And we have known, and have believed the charity, which God hath to us. God is charity: and he that abideth in charity, abideth in God, and God in him."
Roman Catholic Bible

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