[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 13

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] We abide in the God [1 John 4:13 ]
Special Notes :- There are two types of way, 1 )The way of Truth 2)The way of false. The way of Truth is divided into two parts 1 ) The divine way 2 )The Virtuous way. The way of false is divided into two parts 1 )The Sinner way (The way of Sin ) 2 )The Hypocrisy way (The way of hypocrisy ).
The way of Truth is the way of heaven. The way of Truth is divine and Virtuous. The Divine way is the virtuous way but the virtuous way is not the divine way. The Divine way is the way of 'non-dual God and the incarnation of the Unborn Father God '.The Divine way is the way of divine person. The Divine way is the full of miracle. The Divine way is the way of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the divine person who performed many miracles in his divine way, and after death Jesus Christ went to heaven in his divine way. Jesus Christ came in human nature from divine nature for saving us from the hell. The Virtuous way is the way of Truth, When we live in the virtue and We obey the virtuous law of the Unborn Father God, Then we can say that our spiritual life is walking on the virtuous way. In the Virtuous way, we know that we are abide in the father god through our lord Jesus Christ and Unborn Father God is in our heart through our lord Jesus Christ. The Jesus's Spirit is from the God's Spirit. In other words, Jesus's Spirit is a part of the God's Spirit. In the Virtuous way,We know that Unborn Father God has given us the Jesus's Spirit from his Spirit for our protection. The Jesus's Spirit wash away our sins. The Jesus's Spirit forgives our sins. The Jesus's Spirit heals us. The Jesus's Spirit protects, saves and defends us. This shows the greatest divine love of Unborn Father God.

1 John 4:13
In this way, we know that we abide in him, and he in us: because he has given to us from his Spirit.

Catholic Bible

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