[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 17

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Divine Charity [1 John 4 :17 ]
Special Notes :- The Unborn Father God is the Divine Charity. The Divine love of the father god is perfected with us, Due to the divine love of the father god, We may have confidence in the day of judgment. Just after death, Judgement Comes. The Divine charity of the Unborn Father God perfected with us through our lord Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ was the divine humanity. The Divine humanity Jesus Christ was the incarnation of the Unborn Father God. We have confidence in our lord Jesus Christ. During the Judgement time, The Father God will be save, Protect and defend our Spirits through his only begotten son Jesus Christ. Divine humanity is the Son of the divine love. When Jesus died, Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ acquired the Spiritual body and Holy spirit of Jesus Christ with his Spiritual body entered in hell and Holy spirit of Jesus Christ conquered the hell and He freed many Just Souls, After that, Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ broke his grave and Holy spirit of Jesus Christ with his spiritual body entered in his body. During Resurrection time, The Spiritual body of the Jesus christ merged with the physical body and Jesus conquered the death. The Divine humanity conquered the death and the hell. The Divine humanity conquered the Sins. Incarnation of the divine humanity shows the greatest divine love of the Unborn Father God. The incarnation of the divine humanity was the incarnation of the Forgiveness. The Incarnation of the Divine humanity was the incarnation of the divine charity. The Unborn Father God is omnipresent. The Almighty Father God is every where,As like as Father God We also are in this world. The Holy Spirit of the Divine humanity,Jesus Christ is the part of the divine love,Unborn Father God .Due to the divine humanity, The Divine love is perfected with us.

1 John 4:17
"In this is the charity of God perfected with us, that we may have confidence in the day of judgment: because as he is, we also are in this world."
Roman Catholic Bible

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