[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 2 John 1:10

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The True Divine doctrine( The Divine doctrine of holy Trinity ) [2 John 1:10 ]
Special Notes :- The True Divine doctrine of the holy Trinity is the base of Christainity, The Eternal divine doctrine of the holy Trinity is the true virtue.The God, the Father resides in the eternal true divine doctrine of the holy Trinity, The God the Son resides in the eternal true divine doctrine of the holy Trinity, The God the holy spirit resides in the eternal true divine doctrine of the holy Trinity. Holy Trinity is the God, the Father. Holy Trinity is God, the Son. Holy Trinity is the God, the Holy spirit, Holy Trinity is one.
If any person come to you and he does not follow this doctrine, He is sinner, it is the Sin in his mind, He can cheat you, He can destroy you because he loves sin and he rejects the virtue,His love is fake, His love is sweet poison, He is the most dangerous man, He will hunt you by his conspiracy so Always keep yourselves away from this person, do not receive him in your house and Do not talk with that person,Do not greet him because he is greedy and Due to his greed, He will do the Sin.
Eternal divine doctrine of Jesus Christ teaches about the all Virtues and all Virtuous deeds. Eternal divine doctrine of Jesus Christ is the True civilization. Eternal divine doctrine of Jesus Christ is the eternal peace, eternal virtue, eternal truth, eternal love, eternal Salvation, eternal purity, eternal life, eternal wisdom, eternal knowledge and Eternal holy word.
Eternal divine doctrine of Jesus Christ is the Eternal divine doctrine of the holy Trinity. There is the infinity in the eternal divine doctrine of the Jesus christ. Jesus Christ of the heaven is the divine humanity and Jesus Christ the nazerene was the divine humanity.

2 John 1:10
"If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him, God speed you."

Roman Catholic Bible

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