[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 2 John 1:11

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The wicked person [2 John 1:11 ]
Special Notes :- Those who do not follow the doctrine of Jesus Christ, They love the Sin and They hate the Virtue, Their Virtue is fake, They do the virtue for Greed, They do the virtue for Lust,It is the Sin in their mind,They hunt the innocent persons with politeness and humility,They are sweet poison, They are greedy and selfish, Due to Greed and selfishness They can do any sin. They are baseless, They only love the money. For Money , They can do horrific Sin. They are wicked persons.
So always keep yourselves away from wicked persons, Do not be willing to greet wicked persons because they are like the deadly snakes, Any time They can bite you, Do not talk with these dangerous persons, Do not communicate with these wicked persons because if you do communicate with these wicked persons then you are communicating with their wicked works, These persons love the Sin and They can do any sin due to greed, They hunt the innocent life by their horrific conspiracy.

2 John 1:11
"For he that saith unto him, God speed you, communicateth with his wicked works."
Roman Catholic Bible

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