[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 2 John 1:13

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Children of the Sister Elect and their Greetings [2 John 1:13]
Special Notes :- Holy Spirit elects the lady, Holy Spirit guides the elected lady. The Grace of the Holy Trinity always resides on the elected Lady. Holy Trinity always protects, saves and defends the human's dignity. Holy Spirit elected the lady holy Virgin Mary, Holy Spirit Conceived the Holy Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ took birth. Holy Spirit elects the virtuous lady, Holy Spirit elects the honest lady and faithful lady. Ladies should be faithful towards their husbands,Christain ladies should be religious. Politeness and humility are the jewellery of the Virtuous ladies. There are three types of faith of the Christain ladies 1) Faith in God 2) Faith in Jesus Christ 3) Faith in Husband. Holy Spirit elects the Virtuous Sister.
Before Creation of the Universe, Supreme Spirit Father God was present. Supreme Spirit Father God is endless, shapeless, Unmeasurable, Infinite, eternal, Sizeless, Unlimit, non-dual, Almighty, Immortal, Unborn, Supreme being, Spiritual, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and most pure spirit,Supreme Spirit Father God is endless,measureless, Infinite and bigger than whole Universe. Supreme Spirit Father God knows every things, Supreme Spirit Father God is the Eternal life. Supreme Spirit Father God is the eternal life of the Jesus christ. Supreme Spirit Father God is the internal life of the Unborn Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Jesus Christ has merged with the Spirit of the God. Supreme Spirit Father God resides in the Jesus christ and Jesus Christ lives in the Supreme Spirit Father God,Both are one.
Follow the commandments of the Jesus christ and Follow the doctrine of the Jesus christ. Commandments of Jesus Christ and Doctrines of the Jesus christ makes the person virtuous. The Grace of the holy Trinity comes through the commandments of Jesus Christ and doctrines of Jesus Christ. God bless the person through the commandments of Jesus Christ and doctrines of the Jesus christ.
Holy Virgin Mary was the elected lady of the holy spirit. Ladies of the Grace are the elected ladies of the holy Trinity. Ladies of the Grace are the elected Sister.
The children of the Sister Elect salute you and greet you because you are in the God's grace and Jesus's grace, You do follow the commandments of the Jesus christ and doctrines of the Jesus christ.

2 John 1:13
"The children of thy sister Elect salute thee."
Roman Catholic Bible

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