[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 2 John 1:12

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 2 John 1:12
Special Notes :- Jesus Christ is the eternal word, By holy word, we worship the Jesus christ and we do prayer. By Holy word, we worship the father god and we do prayer. By holy word, we worship the holy spirit and we do prayer. Holy Trinity is the eternal word. By prayers, we talk, ask and request to the Jesus christ, Father God and Holy spirit. Holy word is the Holy communication between us and Holy Trinity. Jesus Christ is the eternal life, Through holy word, we get eternal life. Father God is the eternal word and Holy spirit is the eternal word. Either we write the eternal word or we speak the eternal word, Eternal word is always eternal, Through Eternal word, we receive grace. Father God blesses us through eternal word. We get forgiveness by holy word, God forgives our sins through the words of confession, repentance and Prayers of Forgiveness. Holy Trinity resides in the Holy word and Holy word lives in the Holy Trinity. The words of Jesus Christ is Immortal. Worship the Holy word,Do meditation in the Holy word, pray to the holy word because Jesus Christ is the Holy word, Father God is the Holy word and Holy spirit is the Holy word. Do not worship idols, Worship the Holy word. Father God listens our prayers by holy word, Father God answers our prayers through holy word, Holy Trinity protects, saves and defends us through holy word. Holy Trinity listens our prayers through holy word, Holy Trinity answers our prayers through holy word. Holy Trinity is God, the Father. Holy Trinity is God, the Son. Holy Trinity is God, the Holy spirit. In other words, Holy Trinity is the father god, Holy Trinity is the Jesus christ and Holy Trinity is the Holy spirit. Holy Trinity is the eternal word.

2 John 1:12
"Having more things to write unto you, I would not by paper and ink: for I hope that I shall be with you, and speak face to face: that your joy may be full."
Roman Catholic Bible

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