⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] 'Be Generous and Be Greedless' in Holy Satisfaction [Hebrews 13:5]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] 'Be Generous and Be Greedless' in Holy Satisfaction [Hebrews 13:5]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- There is the illusion in the Greed. Greed is the cause of the Sorrows. Greed is the cause of the Sins. Greed destroys the peace of mind. Greed is the cause of the sins. Greed creates the illusion of money in the Human Mind. In this Illusion, When Person gets loss of money then Person becomes sad because Illusion of Greed trapped his mind. In the illusion of Greed, There is no satisfaction. Due to illussion of Greed, Person wants to make more and more money and It is the cause of the Unpeaceful mind. Illussion of Greed destroys the peace of mind. In the Illusion of Greed, Human Mind is not ready to accept the loss of money, It is the cause of the anger, frustration and violence. 
Every Person takes birth with nothing and Every Person dies with nothing. In other words, Every Person takes birth with empty hand (without money) and Every Person dies with empty hand (without money). Holy Faith is greedless. There is no greed in the Holy Faith. There is holy guidance of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Faith. In Holy faith, Father God gives everything to Persons through Holy Spirit. In Holy Faith, God feeds the Persons through Holy Spirit. Manners should be holy, pious and pure. Holy Manners comes through the Holy Discipline. There are implementations of the Holy words in the Holy Discipline. Holy Words guide us towards the Holy Discipline. In the Holy Discipline, There is the holy discipline of the Holy words. In Holy Discipline, There is the holy discipline of the holy honesty. In Holy Discipline, There is the holy discipline of the holy faith. In the Holy Discipline, There is the holy discipline of the holy character. In the holy discipline, There is the holy discipline of the holy humbleness. In the holy discipline, There is the holy discipline of the holy humility. In the Holy discipline, There is holy hospitality. Holy Discipline 'honors and respects' the Holy Dignity. Holy Discipline is greedless. Holy Discipline is Gentle. Holy Discipline is the merciful and the gracious. Holy Discipline is Generous. Holy Grace comes through the Holy Discipline. Holy Discipline is the cause of the forgiveness. Persons speak words in the Discipline of the Holy Discipline. God does not leave us. God is always with us. Holy Discipline is the cause of the Holy Satisfaction. Holy Discipline is the cause of the God's Grace. Lord Jesus Christ is our shepherd and We are the sheeps of our shepherd. Divine Shepherd is guiding us through Holy Spirit. Divine Shepherd is showing the Way, We are Passers-by of this way. Divine Shepherd is guiding us towards the Holy Virtuous Actions. When Sheeps moved towards the Wrong way then Divine Shepherd beaten him by his stick of the Holy Time So that Sheeps could come towards the Right Path. 

⛪✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪✝️
⛪✝️[Hebrews 13:5]⛪✝️
5. Let your manners be without covetousness, contented with such things as you have; for he hath said: I will not leave thee, neither will I forsake thee.



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