⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Unity [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 106]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Unity [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 106]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- In the words of righteousness, Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ created brotherhood among us. In the words of the Righteousness, Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the Perfect divine human. In the words of Righteousness, There was the fully divine nature of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and There was the fully human nature of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. In the Words of the Righteousness, Humans are like Child. Human wisdom is imperfect and incomplete. Human Wisdom is in learning process every time. Human Wisdom did not know that God perfectly. Human Wisdom knew the God imperfectly and incompletely So In old Testament, God punished the Jews when They tried to worship the Golden Calf. Human intellect  searched the God by his limit wisdom. Lord Jesus Christ was himself the incarnation of the Holy word. He said that love your brothers, Love your sisters, Obey your parents, Love your enemies and Love your neighbor. Love is the cause of the Holy Brotherhood. There is the holy unity in the Holy Brotherhood. No word is greater than Love because Holy Virtuousness begins from Love. Love is the cause of the Mercy. Love is the cause of the forgiveness. Love helps the Persons. There are holiness and purity in the Holy Love. There are honesty, faithfulness and loyalty in the Holy Love. Holy Love in the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is the cause of the Holy Peace. Holy Love is the cause of the Holy Unity in the Holy Brotherhood. In the Holy Unity, We are the children of Humanity. Holy Prayers in the Holy Unity of the Holy Brotherhood reach to the heart of the God. Divine heart pours his holy grace on our holy brothers. In the Holy Unities of the Holy Brotherhood, There is God's Grace. In the Holy Unities of the Holy Brotherhood, There is God's Protection. In the Holy Unity of the Holy Brotherhood, There is God's Purpose. In the Holy Unity of the Holy Brotherhood, There are love, mercy, honesty, faithfulness and humbleness. In the Holy Unities of the Holy Brotherhood, There are the Holy power of the Holy Voice. The Unity of the Holy Voice can move the mountain. The Unity of the Holy Voice can demolish the Strong Wall. Unity of the Holy Voice demolished the Jericho Wall. In the Holy Union of the Holy Unity, Two become one. Create the holy unity of the Holy Brotherhood among people. There are the  humility and the holy hospitality in the Holy Brotherhood. Holy Actions of the Holy Unity spread the love, mercy, peace and holy words of the Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ in whole world. 
Jesus said, "When you make the two into one, you'll become Children of Humanity, and if you say 'Mountain, go away', it'll go."

⛪✝️[The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 106]✝️

⛪✝️[Saying 106: unity (2)]⛪✝️

Jesus said, "When you make the two into one, you'll become Children of Humanity, and if you say 'Mountain, go away', it'll go."


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