⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Evergreen Lord Jesus Christ [Hebrews 13:8]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Evergreen Lord Jesus Christ [Hebrews 13:8]⛪✝️
Special Notes :- Lord Jesus Christ never changes. His divine nature is always same. His eternal divine words are Immortal and living. His divine glorify is forever and ever. Spirit of Gentle God made Lord Jesus Christ perfect because Spirit of the Gentle God was in the Spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. He was the incarnation of the True God. Because Lord Jesus Christ was Unborn as like as the God. Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the Uncreate and Spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ himself created his body in the Holy womb of the Virgin Mary. His Birth was the miraculous birth because Father God produced the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ through the Holy womb of the Virgin Mary with the help of the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ was the miraculous since his birth. His holy body was the Holy Church. There was the holy miraculous power in the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. In his holy childhood, Infant Jesus Christ performed many miracles, His Clothes cured the diseases of the many boys and casted out demons from the Body of the few boys. With the help of the wrapped clothes of the Infant Jesus, Mother Mary cured the diseases of the many boys and many persons. Even, Smell of the clothes of the Boy Jesus Christ cured the diseases of a boy. Clothes of the Infant Jesus Christ casted out demons and devils from the Body of a boy. 
There was the divine healing powers in the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ since childhood. Lord Jesus Christ was always the Same. His miraculous powers were always same. His divine power casted out many demons and many devils. There was the fear of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ among demons and devils. Energy of the spoken words by the Lord Jesus Christ conquered the Satan. Energy of the spoken words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ controlled the Souls, Controlled the Mind, Brain and Body and healed the persons. Energy of the spoken words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ worked as herbs inside human body and cured the diseases of the persons. In the Holy divine word of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, There were the holy divine actions of the holy divine energy. Lord Jesus Christ is our holy salvation. Lord Jesus Christ is our holy divine saviour. Lord Jesus Christ is our holy divine hope. Holy Discipline of the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ are our holy cross. Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was unmade and uncreate and created by spirit of Jesus Christ himself. There were divine healing powers in the every organs of the Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. There was the divine healing power in the Holy Blood of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Yesterday Lord Jesus Christ healed the persons. Today Lord Jesus Christ healed the persons. And Every day Lord Jesus Christ of heaven will heal the persons through his eternal holy words. In Childhood, Power of the Infant Jesus Christ healed the boys and the persons. In Younghood, Holy Divine Priest Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ healed the persons by his words. In Childhood, Power of Infant Lord Jesus Christ casted out demons and devils and His divine power created fears among demons and devils. In Childhood, The Curse of the Angry Boy Jesus Christ was the destructive because Words of the Boy Jesus Christ were the living words, Living words were the cause of the witherness of a Boy and Living words were the cause of the death of a boy, Boy Jesus Christ targeted only evil satanic people and evil satanic boys by his living words. When Jesus Christ became Mature then He restored the sights of a blind by his words and his holy actions. He restored the legs of the lame by his holy actions of the holy words. He healed many persons. He cured the diseases of the many persons. In his Younghood, He cursed the evil generations and Later Evil generations have been wiped out by Romans and Natural disasters. Lord Jesus Christ was always same. 

⛪✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪✝️
⛪✝️[Hebrews 13:8]⛪✝️
8. Jesus Christ, yesterday, and to day; and the same for ever.



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