⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The God's Almighty Time [Hebrews 1:1]⛪✝️🍇

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The God's Almighty Time [Hebrews 1:1]⛪✝️
Special Notes :- Time is the most powerful than any person and any Creatures. Time is divided into three parts 1) Present 2) Past 3) Future. There are two types of Time 1) Good Time 2) Bad Time. Every person faces Good time and Bad time in his life. Time defeated every prophets because Every Prophet faced the difficult time in his life. Jesus Christ also faced the difficult time during Crucifixion But By Resurrection Jesus Christ defeated the Time. Supreme Spirit  Father God is the Creator of Almighty Time and Father God controls the time. Supreme Spirit Father God is the omniscient, He knows our past, our present and our future. In Past Time, God spoke to the priests through Prophets,God talked to Moses and God showed his Almighty power through Moses,God showed his miracles through Moses. God Showed miracles through his son Jesus Christ the nazerene and The Resurrection of the Jesus christ  was the biggest miracle. Jesus rose from the dead, People Saw and It was the Amazing Miracle. So Time is the most powerful, No body can defeat the Powerful Time, But By Resurrection, Jesus Christ defeated the Time,It means that God controls the time and Resurrection of the Jesus christ was the Justice of the Father god. Jesus Christ accepted the death, Father God was able to save the Jesus christ but He did not save the Jesus christ, But Father God gave the eternal life to his Son Jesus Christ through Resurrection as Justice after the death of Jesus Christ,It was the victory of Jesus Christ on Time.Eternal life of the Unborn Jesus Christ is the Full of Glory. Eternal life is better than mortal life of earth. There is only Good time in the Eternal life of Heaven, it is no sadness, no pain, no death and no Tension in the eternal life of heaven, it is eternal happiness and eternal joy in the eternal life, Spiritual happiness is the permanent eternal happiness, Spiritual Joy is the permanent eternal joy and Spiritual Pleasure is the permanent eternal pleasure. There is the true eternal peace in the eternal life. Time is the most powerful than whole world and whole Universe But Creator of Time Father God controls the time, Its proof was the Resurrection of the Jesus christ. 
Father God talks to Holy Persons through his holy angels. God is himself the Supreme divine holiness and There is the Supreme Holy eternal divine purity in the Supreme divine holiness. Creator of Life controls the Life and Conquered the Life. Creator of Life created the Body and Creator of Body controls the mind, brain and soul of the Body by his holy words. Creator of Life inserted life in the Mortal Body. Soul is Life. Divine Soul produced the Souls because Supreme Divine Spirit Father God is the Spiritual father of the Souls. Divine Energy of the Holy Divine Father God saved the Prophets and rescued the Prophets. Difficult Time tested the Prophets but Father God rescued him from the Difficult Time. 

⛪✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪✝️
⛪✝️[Hebrews 1:1]⛪✝️
1. God, who, at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, last of all,
⛪✝️[Hebrews 1:1]⛪✝️
"God, who, at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, last of all,"
[Roman Catholic Bible]


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