[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 10

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Unconditional Divine love of the Unborn Father God [1 John 4 :10 ]

Special Notes :- There is the difference between the divine love and worldly love. The Divine love is Unconditional and the worldly love is conditional. The Divine love is the permanent and the worldly love is the temporary. There is no hatred in the divine love, There is the hatred hidden in the worldly love. The Divine love is the True love.
The human's love divided into two parts,
1 ) The Virtuous Love 2 ) The Hypocrisy love.
There is no selfishness in the Virtuous Love . The Virtuous Love is the full of Virtue. There is no sin hidden in the Virtuous Love. The Virtuous Love has mercy, forgiveness, kindness and Humanity. There is no greed in the Virtuous Love. There is no conspiracy in the Virtuous Love. There is the forgiveness in the Virtuous Love. But The divine love is the greater than the virtuous love. The Divine love has the divinity. The Divine love is the Almighty. The God's love is called the divine love. The Divine love is the virtuous love but the virtuous love can not be divine love. The Virtuous Love is Unconditional too but the Divine love has the omnipotence power.
The Hypocrisy love is the full of greed. There is only selfishness in the hypocrisy love. The Hypocrisy love is greedy and selfish. There is the conspiracy in the hypocrisy love. The Hypocrisy love is the fake love but the virtuous love is the real love.
The Unborn Father God loves us through his divine love. Due to his divine love, The Unborn Father God sent his only Son Jesus Christ for the expitation of our sins. The Unborn Father God forgives our sins through his Unborn son Jesus Christ. Unborn Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for us. Unborn Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for saving the humanity, kindness, Mercy and virtue. Unborn Jesus forgives our sins by atonement and confession.

Catholic Bible. 1 John 4:10
[10]Love consists in this: it is not we who loved God, but God loved us and sent his Son to expiate our sins.

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-


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