⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Knowing Father and Mother [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 105]⛪✝️
⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Knowing Father and Mother [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 105]⛪✝️ Special Notes :- Divine Spirit is greater than all spirits. Divine Spirit is one So Divine Spirit is called the Supreme Spirit. There is divine intellect in the Divine Spirit. Divine Spirit is greater than Human Spirit. Because Human Spirit does errors and does sins. Human Spirit lives in his limit knowledge as he knows God in his limit wisdom. Your Father and Your Mother both are humans. There is human nature in your earthly father. There is human nature in your earthly mother. Human Nature is imperfect. So Put God first. Your father and your mother are not God. Your father and your mother are your first teacher because They teach you about worldy knowledge and words in your childhood. Respect your father and your mother. Obey your parents. But put God your lord on the first place. Divine intellect is greater than Human Intellect. Divine Intellect is one. God the Father is the divine Intelle...