⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Divine Fire [Hebrews 12:29]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Divine Fire [Hebrews 12:29]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- God is the Supreme Holy divine Spirit. Supreme Divine Spirit is the Supreme Divine Light. Supreme Divine Light is the Holy divine fire 🔥. Holy Fire consumes the evil words, evil persons and evil actions. 
Holy Fire burns the Sins. Holy Fire burns the negative words. Holy Fire burns the evil thoughts. Holy Fire burnt the evil kingdom of Egypt by his miracles. Holy divine fire saved the Prophet Abraham and his wife Sarah. Holy divine Fire saved the King David and King Solomon by his protection. Holy divine fire 🔥 saved the Prophet Moses. Holy divine fire rescued the Jews from the evil kingdom of Egypt. Holy divine fire drowned the evil Egyptian armies in Red Sea by his miracles. Holy Divine fire 🔥 was the cause of the every victories of King David. King David was undefeated in the every battles. Holy divine fire was residing in the Spirit of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. The Holy Divine words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the Holy Divine fire which consumed the Sins of People and healed them. The Holy Divine fire of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ raised the dead. The Holy Divine fire 🔥 of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ burnt the diseases of the Persons. The Holy Divine Fire of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ casted out demons and devils from the Human Body. Prophet Moses received the ten commandments from the Holy Fire of the Holy Angel of God. Ten Commandments cast out evil actions and evil words from the Human Body. Ten Commandments cast out evil thoughts from the human mind. Ten Commandments cast out evil worldly desires. Ten Commandments make persons honest and faithful. Ten Commandments spread love and mercy. Evil Cruelty is Criminal because There is hatred in the evil cruelty. When Hatred meets to Cruelty then Hatred increases the Cruelty. Evil Hatred is the cause of the evil conspiracies. Evil Hatred kills the innocent people. Our God as the Holy Divine fire 🔥 consumes the hatred. Our God as the Holy Fire 🔥 consumes the Cruelty. God joins the hearts, not break. God empowers to his holy devotees by his miracles and his holy spirit. All ten Commandments are based on the Love and Mercy. Without Love, There is no mercy. Without Mercy, There is no love. Due to mercy, One person helps the another person. Love helps, saves and protects. Mercy helps and Mercy forgives the Person. By Mercy, Strong Person forgives the weak person. Holy Divine fire creates the Plagues in the evil Kingdom for saving his holy people. Holy Divine fire punished the Jews for their horrible errors. Holy Divine fire is the Creator of Body and Holy Divine fire is the destroyer of the Body. Holy Divine fire is the creative and the destructive both. Holy Divine fire 🔥 is the Creator of the Good Time and the Creator of the difficult Time. Holy Divine fire brings good time and good things for his followers and his holy people. Holy divine fire destroys the evil persons by his plagues. Holy divine fire rescues people from the evilness. Holy divine fire consumed the evil fields. Holy divine fire consumed the evil seeds. Holy divine fire consumed the evil dream of the Persons. Evil Dream does Crime. Holy divine fire rescues the People from the sorrow of the evil dreams. Illlussions of Evil dreams void the God's law. Illlussion of the Evil dream forces people for committing the evil actions of evil sins. When Evil Sins captured the World then Holy divine fire consumed the Earth by the horrible flood except the Prophet Noah, his families and Creatures. Holy Divine fire consumes the evil conspiracies and the evil revenge. Holy divine fire destroys the evil plans of the Satan. Holy divine fire is the cause of the fear of the Satan. Holy divine fire do not burn the Holy People. Holy divine fire did not burn the Prophet Daniel. Holy Divine fire rescued the Prophet Daniel from the Lion's Den. Holy Divine truth resides in the Holy divine fire. Holy Divine truth as the Holy Divine Light removes the darkness of the World.  

✝️⛪[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]✝️⛪
⛪✝️[Hebrews 12:29]✝️⛪
29. For our God is a consuming fire.



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