✝️⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Movable things and Immovable things [Hebrews 12:27]✝️⛪✝️

✝️⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Movable things and Immovable things [Hebrews 12:27]✝️⛪✝️
Special Notes :- The Creator God made the movable things and the immovable things. Movable things have Soul and Immovable things do not have Soul. Plants have Soul, Plants move upwards and become trees 🌲. Small Plant becomes the Large Tree 🌲. There is no life in the immovable thing. There is life in the movable thing. Mountains are the immovable thing. River and Ocean are the immovable things. Animals and Plants are the movable things. Humans are the movable things too. 
When People became Corrupt due to sinful mind and There was no sign of the virtuousness in the World then Father God annihilated the earth by the most heavy flood. Father God drowned the earth and the creatures of earth by the most heavy flood. Sin is like a disease who spreads fast. Sin ignores the God. Sin ignores the holiness and purity. Sin challenges the God. Sin insults the God. Father God did not tolerate ignorance and annihilated the World. Sinful mind is not ready to accept the holy words. Sinful mind is destructive and criminal. Sinful mind persecutes the Virtuous mind. Sinner Person persecutes the Virtuous Person. Sinful thoughts persecute the Virtuous thoughts. Spread of Sins eliminate the holy words and the virtuousness from the world. Spread of Sins eliminate the holy actions. Evil Energy of the Evilness hacks the Person's mind and forces persons for doing evil sins by Illusions. Sin spreads in the world like Pandemic. There are addictions in the Sins. Due to addictions of sins, Sinners do not leave the Sins. The Omniscient Father God is watching the Sins of the Persons from the highest heaven. When Sin will become uncontroble and Earth will become full of Sins then Father God will again destroy the earth. After destruction of the Earth, Father God will destroy heavens too because Heavens became Old and Father God wants to create new heavens. Father God will upgrade heavens by his divine energy. New Earth will replace the Old Earth and New Heaven will replace the old heaven. 
Always be firm in the holy faith of the Holy words as like as mountain. Holy faith will save you. Holy faith is the cause of the God's Grace and God's mercy. God's Grace and God's Mercy are our protector. God's Grace saved the Prophets and saved the Kingdom of Israel during the Kingdom of the King David. There are movable minds in the movable things. Words of mind are movable. Senses move the words and the thoughts.  There are battle between the human thoughts in the Human mind. Virtuous thoughts move the person towards the Virtuous Actions. Negative Unholy sinful evil thoughts move the person towards sinful actions. Annihilation will come on earth and will destroy everything. Lord Jesus Christ will save the holy virtuous persons. Lord Jesus Christ will save the persons from the fires of hell. Lord Jesus Christ will receive the holy virtuous persons and will take those persons to heavens. Lord Jesus Christ will punish the Sinners and will rescue the holy virtuous persons. Holy faith in the Holy persons are the immovable thing. Sin is the movable things. Sin moves from one person to another person. Holy faith moves from one person to the another person by the holy words. One Sin creates the another sin. Lord Jesus Christ will save the holy faith and will destroy the Sins. No body can destroy the Holy Faith because Holy Faith is eternal and unborn. Immovable immortal holy faith can move the mountains. Immovable holy faith parted the Red Sea. Immovable Holy Faith was the cause of the Bodily resurrection of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Holy words are immovable because There is eternal life in the Holy words. Eternal life is immovable. Holy words are the cause of the Holy Faith and Holy Faith receives the eternal life from the Holy Trinity. Heavens and Earth will pass away but Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ will never pass away. Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ are immovable. 

⛪✝️[Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪
⛪✝️[Hebrews 12:27]⛪✝️
27. And in that he saith, Yet once more, he signifieth the translation of the moveable things as made, that those things may remain which are immoveable.

⛪✝️[Catholic Study Bible App]⛪✝️
27 This phrase, "Yet once more," indicates the removal of what is shaken, as of what has been made, in order that what cannot be shaken may remain.
⛪✝️[Hebrews 12:27] [RSV-CE]⛪✝️



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