⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Immoveable Kingdom [Hebrews 12:28]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Immoveable Kingdom [Hebrews 12:28]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- The Kingdom of God is the Immoveable Kingdom. God is Our Spiritual Judge So Fear to God and Follow the words of God with disciplines and full dedications. We are the servants of God. There is the eternal life of heaven in the Immoveable Kingdom of God. Living holy words reside in the Immoveable Kingdom of God. Trees and Plants are always green in the Immoveable Kingdom of God. There is the neat and clean water in the living rivers of the Immoveable Kingdom of God. There are no sorrow and no anxiety in the Immoveable Kingdom of God. There are no pain and no tension in the Immoveable Kingdom of God. God likes the holy virtuous actions. God likes the purity of heart. God likes the purity of mind and purity of thoughts. Purity of Conscience is the cause of the purity of mind. With Purity of heart and Purity of Mind, Holy Adoration becomes Successful because God receives these types of Adoration and listens the prayers of the Persons. With 'Purity of heart and purity of mind',Holy Prayers become Successful because God answers the prayers of the persons. In Purity and holiness, God resides. In Purity and holiness, There is the Salvation of Spirit. 
Holy Virtuous actions praise the Holy God through Prayers, Holy words of God are the cause of the Holy Virtuous Actions. Because Holy Virtuous Energy is the cause of the Holy Virtuous Actions. Fear of God is the beginning of the Holy wisdom. Fear of God is the cause of the Holy Discipline. Fear of God is the cause of the Holy Love and Holy Mercy. Fear of God is the cause of the Holy Virtuous Character. Fear of God is the cause of the Honesty and Faithfulness. Honesty is faithful and loyal. Holy words of God created the Holy Civilization. Holy words of God eliminated the Horrible Sins. Father God likes humbleness and humility. Holy Humble words pleased the God. Father God likes the Truth and true words and dislikes the false words. Father God is called the Spirit of Truth. So Immoveable Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of Truth and the Kingdom of Justice. In fear of God, Persons speak truth and keep themselves away from the false words and fake words. In fear of God, Persons become merciful, helpful and gentle. God is himself the divine charity because God likes Charity. God resides in the charity of the Holy Love and Charity of the Holy Mercy. Serve the Lord your God with all your soul and all your heart with honesty, faithfulness and loyalty. Help the Poors, Give charity to Poors, and speak to poors with humbleness. Don't speak evil words. Don't insult the persons and Don't hurt the persons. Omniscient God created the Time before the creation of Universe. In his holy time, Father God created the whole universe. Father God is the Divine Time and Divine Time created the Space. Fear of Lord made People Virtuous and Polite. Fear of God eliminated the evil pride of the Persons. Fear of God removed the anger, frustration and violence. Fear of God removed the evil desires of the Persons. Fear of God created Love among people. Fear of God created mercy, sympathy and empathy among People. Holy words of God created the fear of the horrible punishments of hell among People. Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ created peace among people. Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ created brotherhood among people. Holy words are the cause of the God's Grace. God's Grace is our saviour, our guide and our protector. Holy Spirit resides in the God's Grace. Difficult Time destroys the evil persons because Souls of the evil Persons are weak due to horrible sins. Virtuous Persons are able to stand firm during the difficult time due to God's Grace and Holy Spirit. So Keep yourself away from all sins. Evil Persons fall in the Horrible hell after death. There is eternal heavenly wisdom in the Immoveable Kingdom. There is eternal heavenly joy in the Immoveable holy Kingdom of God. There is eternal heavenly peace in the Immoveable holy Kingdom of God. Humility and Humbleness created the Holy hospitality. 
Offer to God your 'purity of heart', offer to God your 'purity of words ', Offer to God your Praise so always praise the God, Offer to God your 'purity of mind and purity of conscience'. Offer to God your holy adoration and your prayers. Offer to God your gentleness, your holy thoughts and your virtuousness. 

⛪✝️[Douay Rheims Catholic Bible]⛪✝️
⛪✝️[Hebrews 12:28]⛪✝️
28. Therefore receiving an immoveable kingdom, we have grace; whereby let us serve, pleasing God, with fear and reverence.

⛪[Catholic Study Bible App]⛪✝️
28 Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe;
[Hebrews 12:28] [RSV-CE]



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