⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Passing By [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 42]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Passing By [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 42]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- We are passers by on Earth. Because Earthly Life is the Mortal Life. There are illusions in the earthly life. Persons come on earth for the short period. In the Short Period of the Earthly Life, Persons meet many persons. In the short way of the earthly life, Person meets to his earthly father and his earthly mother at childhood when He took birth as child from the mother's womb. In the short way of the earthly life, Person meets to his wife at Younghood. In the short way of the earthly life, Person meets to his sons. In the short way of the earthly life, Person experiences sorrow and happiness. In the short way of the earthly life, Money traps the person in his illusions because Loss of Money creates the Sorrow in the person's mind and Profit of the Money creates the happiness in the person's mind, It is called the illusion of money. When Passer-by passes from childhood to Younghood then They do experience new things. In the Short way of the Earthly life, When Passer-by met to Robbers, Robbers robbed him. When Passer-by met to thieves, Thieves stole his precious things. Passer-by passed through many difficulties and many sorrows on his way. Passer-by met to good friends and bad friends on his way. Good friends helped him and Bad friends cheated him. When Passer-by met to his enemies, His enemies beaten him. On his way, Passer-by did not find peace. His religious books were the full of Violence and Crime, But He was not able to resist in front of Robbers and Enemies Because He was alone on his way. Every Person is alone on the way of his life. When Passer-by met to the holy followers of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, Then The Holy followers guided him towards the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, Then Passer-by came in the refuge of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, He found Peace on his way. At last, After death, His Spirit went to heaven. On his way, Passer-by faced many difficulties because Earthly life is the full of difficulties. Evil Energies robb the Spirit of the Persons. Evil Energies of the Evil Spirits are like robbers. Evil Energies of the Evil Persons are like robbers. Sin is like thief. Sin steals the peace of mind. Evil Energies robb the Peace of Mind. When any Passer-by meets to evil companion then in the evil company of the evil companion, He learns evilness, He learns about sin and He becomes Sinner. Final destination of the Passer-by is either heaven or hell and Passer-by reaches to this destination through the death. After Death, Soul of the Passer-by either goes to heaven or hell or Abraham's Bosom. 
Evil Companion moves the way of Passer-by towards hell. Holy Companion moves the way of the Passer-by towards heaven. Death is the end of the way of the Passer-by. Throughout the Earthly life, Passer-by lives in the Illusions. Illusions of World are the cause of the Unpeaceful mind. Illusions of World are the cause of the anxiety of the Passer-by. Illusions of World are the cause of the sorrow of the Passer-by. Illusions of world break the heart of the Passer-by. Illusions of the Desire hurt the Passer-by. On his short earthly way, Passer-by wept, Passer-by felt sadness, Passer-by experienced horrific robbery and His evil friends cheated him. On his earthly way, Passer-by got frustrated by the angerful words of his parents and These words created extra pressure on the passer-by's mind. Passer-by experienced everything on his short earthly way. When Passer-by met to the followers of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, He came in the refuge of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and He became Christian and Passer-by became the peaceful person then Passer-by came out from Illusions and received the God's Grace. Passer-by did charity and helped the persons. Passer-by saved the life of children, Passer-by saved the life of women and persons, Passer-by spread the word of the Holy Lord Jesus Christ to world. In the refuge of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ, Passer-by became gentle and executed many holy virtuous actions. Earth is not our permament residence due to Death and Nobody is immortal. We are Passers-by on the Earth. Every Persons are the Passers-by on Earth. 

Jesus said, "Become passersby".

⛪✝️[The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 42]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Saying 42: Passing By]⛪✝️

Jesus said, "Become passersby".


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