⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Prayer and Fasting [The Gospel of Thomas,Saying 104]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Prayer and Fasting [The Gospel of Thomas,Saying 104]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- God is the divine spirit so God is perfect and accurate, God has the divine spiritual body, not human body. Human Body is the full of sins. Divine Nature incarnated in human flesh as Lord Jesus Christ and became the Divine Human, Lord Jesus Christ was Unborn and He took birth with purity because Holy Spirit produced the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ without defiling the Virgin Mary So The Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was unmade and uncreate, Holy Body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ came from the God through Holy Spirit. Human Nature is imperfect so Every humans are sinners. 
There were holiness and purity in the holy body of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Lord Jesus Christ was the incarnation of the divine holiness. His divine purity was in his divine character. In other words, Divine Intellect of the Divine Character was the cause of the Holy divine purity. His divine purity was residing in his holy body. His purity was in his words. His purity was in his actions. His Purity was in his body. His Purity was in his spirit. 
Lord Jesus Christ himself was the divine fast and divine prayer, He was himself the divine Purity of the divine Heart . He was eating bread and He was drinking the Wine of Grapes 🍇. Bread and wine was in the daily routine of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. 
Fast and Prayers work in the purity of heart. Without Purity of heart, Fast and Prayers are useless. Fast purifies the Body and Prayers with fast purifies the Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ conquered the Satan by his holy fast. There is power in the Holy fast. Holy Fast conquers the evil spirit.  Holy fast removes the negative things from the human mind. Holy fast removes the evil thoughts from the human mind. Holy fast is the cause of the Holy conscience because Holy fast purifies the holy conscience. 
Holy Fast is the cause of the forgiveness of sins. Holy fast with holy prayers purify 'the Body and the Spirit'. 

Somebody said to [Jesus ], "Come, let's pray and fast today.

Jesus said, "What have I done wrong? Have I failed?

"Rather, when the groom leaves the bridal chamber, then people should fast and pray. "

Lord Jesus Christ was sinless since his birth. He was ever pure and ever holy. Fasting was not mandatory for the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ was doing fast as per his will, not on other people's suggestions. 
Marriage is the holy sacrament but After marriage, The sexual relationship between bride and groom create sins in the mind of the 'bride and groom'. During Sexual relationship, Bride defiles the Groom and Groom defiles the Bride. Sexual relationship impures the thoughts and does impure the words. Sexual Relationship impures 'the mind and the spirit'. Sexual Relationship impures 'the Heart and the brain'. Sexual Relationship weakens 'the Body and the Spirit'. There are little mortal sexual pleasures in the sexual relationship and permanent sorrow in this little pleasure because After death, Soul falls in the horrible hell. 
So Jesus said "when the groom leaves the bridal chamber, then people should fast and pray". When groom leaves the bridal chamber, He should take bath and pray to God for forgiveness with fast. During Sexual Relationship, Bride and Groom defiles to each other. So After Leaving the Bridal Chamber, Bride and Groom should do fast and pray to God for forgiveness of their sins. Their family members should also do fast and prayers for the forgiveness of the Sins.

✝️[The Gospel of Thomas,Saying 104] ✝️
⛪✝️[Saying 104]⛪✝️
✝️[Saying 104: Prayer and Fasting]✝️

They said to [Jesus ], "Come, let's pray and fast today.

Jesus said, "What have I done wrong? Have I failed?

"Rather, when the groom leaves the bridal chamber, then people should fast and pray. "


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