✝️⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Parables of the Field, the Bandits, and the Reaper [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 21]✝️⛪

✝️⛪[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Parables of the Field, the Bandits, and the Reaper [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 21]✝️⛪

Special Notes :- We are the Servants of God. Persons should behave like little children in front of God because There are innocence, purity of heart, purity of mind and purity of conscience in the Little Children. There are no selfishness in the Children. Children are honest and faithful. There are the purity of character in Children. Little Children never capture any land and They return the land to owner of Land. Little Children never speak lie and They always speak truth. Little Children love their mother and their father. Little Children love their father and their families. Little Children love their relatives. They pray to God with their pure hearts. Little Children are heartly attach with their parents and their families. Little Children never deceive the Persons. Little Children never go near the strange persons and unknown persons. Little Children never speak false words. 
Lord Jesus Christ said " My Disciples will be like little children". His Disciples always attach with his teachings. His Disciples always attach with him. His Disciples always speak truth and keep themselves away from the false words. His Disciples are gentle, honest and faithful. There are purity of heart and purity of thoughts in the disciples of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. There are purity of mind and purity of conscience in the disciples of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Disciples of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ dedicated themselves to Father God and Holy Spirit. His Disciples are humble, gentle and merciful. There is tolerance power in the disciples of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ as like as little Children. We are disciples of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is our divine master. His disciples acquired the land, They planted the Seeds of the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ in that land, when Plants  produced fruit, They harvested the fruits of Virtue and They returned that land to Land Owner. Spread the words of God in the Whole World, make disciples and establish the Holy Kingdom of God. Confess your Sins, Repent and do prayers for God's forgiveness and Christ's forgiveness. Holy Trinity will forgive you. Most high God, God of our Lord Jesus Christ will forgive you. So Repent and enter in the Holy Kingdom of God. Holy Kingdom of God resides in the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ because There are eternal life of heaven in the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ. Our Bodies are like field. Plant the holy seeds of the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ in his Mind, Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ produce the fruit of the Virtues in the Human Mind by Holy Virtuous Energies, When Person harvests his fruit and eats these fruits then Person receives the God's Grace and After Death, Person goes to heaven. Holy Words plants gentleness, humbleness, humility, love, mercy, charity of virtuousness, and actions of forgiveness in the Human mind and Person implement the holy actions of the holy words in his life then He receives the God's Grace and after death, He goes to heaven. Holy Actions of the Holy words are the cause of the Peace of Mind. 
We are owner of our bodies So always be alert from the bandit of the evil words. Bandit of Evil words guide the persons towards evil actions and greed. Bandit of the Evil words trap the Persons in the Illussions of Money. illusions of Money create the Greed and Due to Greed, Persons turn towards evil actions and evil desires. Illusions of Money trap the Persons in 'Mortal World desires and Mortal temporary World pleasure'. So Keep yourself away from Evil Companion and Evil Companies. Be Strong. Always chant the word of God, name of the God and Son of God and Read the Holy words. Your Strong faith in the Holy Trinity will defeat the evil Bandit of evil words. Evil Bandits of the Evil words spread evilness in the whole world. Do not watch lusty things, Do not listen lusty words and Keep your 5 senses from evil words. If you are unable to keep your 5 senses away from the unholy  words and unholy thoughts then Confess your sins every day in front of Lord Jesus Christ by Prayers, Repent by Prayers every day and Do the prayers of the forgiveness everyday. Holy Trinity will forgive your sins. Holy Trinity is the most high God and God is everywhere. Spirit of God is everywhere. God will answer your prayers in your holiness. God will forgive your sins through the Holy words of the Prayers. 
When Holy words come in your mind then fruits of the Holy virtues ripens in the Holy mind, Immediately pray to God and do the holy virtuous actions. By Prayers and Holy Actions, Earn the Virtues of the Holy Eternal life. These Virtues are the ladder of the heavens. 

⛪✝️[The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 21]✝️⛪

⛪[Saying 21]✝️⛪

✝️⛪[Saying 21: The Parables of the Field, the Bandits, and the Reaper]✝️⛪

Mary said to Jesus, "Whom are your disciples like?"

He said, "They're like little children living in a field which isn't theirs. When the owners of the field come, they'll say, 'Give our field back to us.' They'll strip naked in front of them to let them have it and give them their field.

"So I say that if the owner of the house realizes the bandit is coming, they'll watch out before hand and won't let the bandit break into the house of their domain and steal their Possessions. You, then, watch out for the world Prepare to defend yourself so that the bandits don't attack you, because what you're expecting will come.

May there be a wise person among you!

"When the fruit ripened, the reaper came quickly, sickle in hand, and harvested it. Anyone who has ears to hear should hear!"


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