⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Knowing Father and Mother [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 105]⛪✝️

⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] Knowing Father and Mother [The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 105]⛪✝️

Special Notes :- Divine Spirit is greater than all spirits. Divine Spirit is one So Divine Spirit is called the Supreme Spirit. There is divine intellect in the Divine Spirit. Divine Spirit is greater than Human Spirit. Because Human Spirit does errors and does sins. Human Spirit lives in his limit knowledge as he knows God in his limit wisdom. Your Father and Your Mother both are humans. There is human nature in your earthly father. There is human nature in your earthly mother. Human Nature is imperfect. So Put God first. Your father and your mother are not God. Your father and your mother are your first teacher because They teach you about worldy knowledge and words in your childhood. Respect your father and your mother. Obey your parents. But put God your lord on the first place. Divine intellect is greater than Human Intellect. 
Divine Intellect is one. God the Father is the divine Intellect. God the Son Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is the divine intellect. God the Holy Spirit is the divine intellect. Holy Trinity is one divine intellect, not three. Divine Intellect is the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Divine intellect is beyond the human thoughts and human intellect. Living holy words reside in the divine intellect. There is the power of the divine intellect in the Living Holy words. Living Holy words control the Time and Change the Time. Living Holy words parted the Red Sea through the medium of the Prophet Moses. Living Holy words conquered the Death. Living Holy words conquered the Satan. Living Holy words conquered the Hell. There are true prophecies in the Living Holy words. Living Holy words of Holy Father God destroyed the evil kingdoms. Living Holy words protected the Holy Kingdom of Israel and Living Holy words destroyed the evil kingdoms. Living Holy words brought good time in the life of the holy virtuous persons and Living Holy words brought bad time in the life of the evil persons. 
Your father and your mother can protect you against the wicked persons but They can not protect you against the evil souls and Satan. They cannot protect you from sins and evil company, They can only teach you, instruct you and guide you. Evil Company creates the addiction of sins in the Human mind. Addiction of Sins destroy the Persons. Sin is the enemy of the persons. Sin destroys the souls internally because After death Sinner Souls fall in the Horrible hell. In the addictions of sins, Person is the enemy of himself.  Sin defeated every body. Sin defeated your father. Sin defeated your mother. Sin defeated you. No body is Perfect. Your father spoke harsh words, It is also a sin. Your mother used uncivilize words in anger, It is Sin. Your father and Your mother have human nature thatswhy They do errors and By their words, They do mentally torcher to you and They break your heart. So Do not Know your father and your mother. Know God. Know Lord Jesus Christ. Know Holy Spirit. Human Nature talks imperfectly, Human Nature acts imperfectly and Human Nature behaves imperfectly. Every Humans are the slaves of Sins So They behave like Slaves. 
God is our spiritual father. Holy Spirit is our spiritual mother. Know the divine nature of God. Know the Holy Spirit. Divine nature will free you from the slavery of sins. Holy Spirit will guide you towards Holy actions. Our Spiritual Father is the Eternal Holy divine mercy who forgives our sins. Our Spiritual father purifies our body, our spirit, our conscience, our mind and our brain. Eternal Life of the Lord Jesus Christ embraces the persons when they take refuge in the Holy words of the Blessed Holy Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ and follow the holy words. Lord Jesus Christ is our master. Lord Jesus Christ is our teacher. Divine master is always greater than his disciples. Disciples learn the holy words from the divine master. 

Jesus said, "Whoever knows their father and mother will be called a bastard."

✝️[The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 105]✝️
⛪✝️[Saying 105]⛪✝️
✝️[Saying 105: Knowing Father and Mother]✝️

Jesus said, "Whoever knows their father and mother will be called a bastard."


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