[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 4 : 19

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Love the divine love [1 John 4 :19 ]
Special Notes :- Unborn Father God is the divine love. The Divine love loves every creatures. The Divine love of the father god is Unconditional and Unlimit,His love is most pure. The Unconditional Divine love of the Unborn Father God protects, saves and defends us. There is no discrimination in the divine love, There is no selfishness in the divine love, There is no greed in the divine love. The Divine love is the most perfect love. Divine love forgives us Unconditionally. The Divine love is the forgiveness. The Divine love is the Miracle. The Divine love is Uncreate. The Divine love is the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is one. Holy Jesus Christ was the incarnation of the divine love, Holy Jesus Christ was the divine humanity, Divine humanity was the incarnation of the divine love father god. The Holy Spirit lives in the Holy father god. Unborn Father God produced the Unborn Jesus Christ through his holy Spirit. Unborn Father God produced the holy spirit. Unborn Father God neither created the Jesus nor created the holy spirit. Jesus and Holy spirit both are Unborn and Uncreate. Holy Trinity(Father God, Son Jesus Christ and Holy spirit ) are Unborn and Uncreate. Holy Spirit of Father God produced the holy spirit of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit lives in the father god and Holy spirit lives in the Jesus christ too. Unborn Supreme Soul produced the Unborn Souls. Divine love, Divine humanity and the Divine spirit are one. Divine love is eternal, strong and endless. Holy Trinity helps us on the every step of our life. Firstly Holy Trinity loved us so we should love the holy Trinity. Unborn Father God loves us Unconditionally and eternally so we should love the father god. Human love is the weaker and smaller than the divine love. The Divine love is the stronger and greater than the human love. Divine love is the greedless. The Divine love is the hungry of the small love of humans. There is the complete fullness in the divine love. Holy Trinity 's love is the Divine love. Holy father god, Holy Son Jesus Christ of Heaven and Holy spirit are one. Holy father god, Holy son Jesus Christ of the heaven and the holy spirit are Called the holy Trinity.

1 John 4:19
"Let us therefore love God, because God first hath loved us."
Roman Catholic Bible

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