[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 5 : 6

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] Jesus Christ, The Truth [1 John 5 :6 ]
Special Notes :- Holy Spirit Conceived the Holy Virgin Mary and Jesus took birth.Jesus Christ took birth from the Holy spirit, so Jesus Christ was Unborn. Unborn Jesus Christ was the Son of the holy spirit, He took incarnation in the flesh, blood and water as a son of Man. The son of the Almighty Father God took incarnation as the Son of Man, He came by water and blood, In other words,There is the water and blood in the human body. Jesus Christ was baptized by water and Holy spirit in the form of dove was fall on the Jesus christ after baptism,It was the spirit which testified that Christ was the truth. Unborn Father God is the Supreme Spirit, He is the Spirit, Unborn Father God produced the holy spirit of Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is the Son of the Supreme Spirit, In other words, Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is the part of the Supreme Spirit. Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ took incarnation in the human flesh, blood and water. The water of the holy spirit of the Jesus christ sanctifies us and the blood of the Jesus christ washes away our sins. 'Unborn and Uncreate ' Father God created the man in his image but Jesus Christ was the Uncreate. 'Unborn and Uncreate ' Jesus Christ 's body is Uncreate. 'Unborn and Uncreate ' Jesus Christ of the heaven is the divine son of the 'Unborn and Uncreate ' Father God,He came on earth by water and blood. Jesus Christ was the true spirit from the true spirit, True light from the true light, True divine mercy from the true divine mercy.

1 John 5:6
"This is he that came by water and blood, Jesus Christ: not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit which testifieth, that Christ is the truth."

Roman Catholic Bible

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