[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 5 : 17

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] All iniquity is sin [1 John 5:17 ]
Special Notes :- All iniquity is sin. Iniquity ruins the civilization and Soul. Christainity saves the civilization and teaches the civilize method of spending the life. Iniquity is the darkness and Iniquity corrupts the soul and Mind. There is only positive Energy in the Father god, There is only negative Energy in the devil and Satan. There is the combination of the Positive thoughts and Negative thoughts in the humans. Positive Energy generates the Positive thoughts and Negative Energy generates the Negative thoughts. There is the mixture of Positive Energy and Negative Energy in the humans. Negative thoughts of the humans produce the iniquity in the person's mind. Iniquity produces the sinful thoughts and Sinful thinkings in the person's mind. When Person leaves the God and God's teaching then Negative thoughts dominates the person's mind and Negative thoughts reduces the Positive thoughts in the person's mind Then Person ignores the virtue and loves the Sin and Person becomes Sinner due to greed and other reasons. All iniquity is the Sin and there is a sin unto death. Some Sins are the Sin unto death . Due to iniquity, When Sinners do the heinous crime and kill the life Then This sin is a sin unto death.
Christainity honours the life and Christianity respects the life. Christainity honours the dignity of the Unborn soul and Christianity respects the dignity of the Unborn soul. Iniquity is the darkness and Christianity is the light.

1 John 5:17
"All iniquity is sin. And there is a sin unto death."
Roman Catholic Bible

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