[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 5 : 8

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Jesus christ, The testimony on the earth [1 John 5 :8 ]
Special Notes :- The Supreme Spirit father god is the creator of the heaven and earth, Supreme Spirit is the bigger than whole Universe. One Holy Trinity gives testimony in the heaven,One Holy Trinity Judges the people's Souls,One Holy Trinity gives the Judgement to the Souls of the persons after death. One Holy Trinity Judges the deeds of the people.Judgement comes through Forgiveness. Forgiveness comes through the spirit, water and the blood ,These three, Spirit, water and blood are not three persons but one person Jesus Christ of Heaven. Forgiveness comes through the combination of the Divine nature and human nature on earth, Jesus Christ of the heaven is the combination of the Divine nature and human nature. Jesus Christ the nazerene was the combination of the divine nature and human nature and Jesus Christ of the heaven is the combination of the divine nature and human nature. Jesus Christ the nazerene was the divine humanity and the Jesus christ of the heaven is the divine humanity. Resurrection of the Jesus christ was the Resurrection of the Jesus's Spirit and the Resurrection of the Jesus's Body. The Divine humanity Jesus Christ of the heaven is the forgiveness of the Sins. The Divine humanity Jesus Christ of the heaven is the divine forgiveness. Forgiveness comes through confession, repentance and humility. The Divine forgiveness, Jesus Christ of the heaven is the most high Priest. Jesus Christ of the heaven is the combination of the divine spirit, water and the blood. Jesus Christ, The nazerene was the combination of the divine spirit, water and blood. There was the incarnation of the divine nature in the human nature as Jesus Christ. As human nature, Jesus Christ accepted the death and as divine nature, Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Resurrection of the Jesus christ showed the pure divinity of the Jesus christ and the death of the Jesus christ showed the pure human nature of the Jesus christ. The combination of 'the divine nature and human nature ' gives testimony on the earth and The Jesus christ of the heaven is the combination of the divine nature and human nature.

1 John 5:8
"And there are three that give testimony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one."

Roman Catholic Bible

Pawan Upadhyay Bible :-


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