[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] 1 John 5 : 12

[Pawan Upadhyay Bible ] The Son of God, Jesus Christ is the life [1 John 5:12 ]
Special Notes :- The True life is in the eternal life.The Unborn son of the Unborn Father God,Jesus Christ is the eternal life. Eternal life of the Jesus christ is always abide with the followers of the Jesus christ, The Mortal body is mortal but Eternal life is Immortal because Eternal life will be always abide with the Immortal Spirit and Eternal life of the Jesus christ will be always protect,save and defend the person's Spirit. Those, who believe in the Holy son of holy father god, Jesus Christ of the heaven, The Eternal life of the Unborn Jesus Christ will be always abide with them. Those who do not believe in the Holy son of holy father god Jesus Christ, They do not have eternal life. The Eternal life of the Jesus christ is the eternal life of the one holy Trinity, The Eternal life of the holy son of God, Jesus Christ is the eternal life of the Unborn Father God. The Eternal life of the Unborn Jesus Christ is the Eternal life of the holy spirit. The Eternal life of the Father god, The Eternal life of the Son of God Jesus Christ and The eternal life of the holy spirit are the one eternal life of one holy Trinity and This one eternal life of the one holy Trinity is the eternal life of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. This one eternal life of the Jesus christ is always abide with the followers of the Jesus christ. Death is Truth so The Mortal body will be die but The Eternal life will not die.

1 John 5:12
"He that hath the Son, hath life. He that hath not the Son, hath not life."
Roman Catholic Bible

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